The most pointless card of all time? (Snorlax Doll)

Its only good for setup, after that - it has zero function. If you get it into play, great - but you can only get it in place one time... that's it. No returning it to play from discard/hand/deck - why is this a card? Maybe some card will come out to make it playable? You should be able to play it at least first or second turn or something... what the?!!?! WHY?!
It can be used as a buffer if you're trying to set up safely (notably, this potentially gives more wiggle room for decks that specifically apply energy to benched mons, the most common example being electric generator), and the card text doesn't say anything about it not being able to attack, so while it's not likely to be a viable option often, you could feasibly use it to burn a technical machine attack if you need to attach tools to actual attackers. I feel like it's more of a "nice to have with certain setups" card than something you should make your setup actively rely on.
if you wanted to just do something funny with it attaching a luxurious cape turns it into a 250hp wall. And then people can argue over how the card text should resolve.
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Once my brother got soft-locked against a brand new player. He had no switches or anything that could help. His opponent had a Chi-u ex and he got decked out! He got a little
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It's not completely useless, in the sense of the word… but it is still really bad.
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Why did I get flagged?
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Oh and that message / \ was to @SpiderX36068185, for got to mention you with the @ symbol so wanted to make sure you got the notification.