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Are THEME DECKS coming back to TCG live?

Would be good to have a similar online battling system where everyone could use the same unedited Decks, like Theme Decks in TCG online.


I'm sure there are a lot of players who do not know how to build the decks or simply not having the time to do, given all the aspects that need to be considered.



  • TechHog
    TechHog Member Posts: 2,758 ✭✭✭✭
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    edited December 2022 #2

    No, since they don't make theme decks anymore. Didn't you notice that none have been added to PTCGO in well over a year?

    And most people on Live probably netdeck.

  • ManiDon
    ManiDon Member Posts: 5
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    edited December 2022 #3

    If that would be the case, they will lose tons of players! It would be a shame not to consider, continuing and giving this option to the players...

  • TechHog
    TechHog Member Posts: 2,758 ✭✭✭✭
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    Nothing the devs can do about that. They weren't the ones who decided to end theme decks in favor of terrible V Battle Decks (or ex Battle Decks as they will be after March).

  • Mister-Burkes
    Mister-Burkes Member Posts: 114 ✭✭
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    Theme decks were discontinued a long time ago dude.

    TIMOHHTHY Member Posts: 1
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    I will be one of the users who stops playing because they will not migrate theme decks over. That's the only way I play. Shame indeed. Complete Travesty.

  • LiekMudkipzz
    LiekMudkipzz Member Posts: 1
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    I hope they’re going to make a v/ex battle deck format, I enjoy the lower power level and less potential cheese strats

  • uncomonfossil
    uncomonfossil Member Posts: 176 ✭✭✭
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    Live needs a more casual format like Theme was in PTCGO. They essentially replaced Theme decks with V Battle Decks and they are continuing these with ex Battle decks. So there could be a Battle Deck format. Or there could be a Starter Deck format.

  • Belguimmaster
    Belguimmaster Member Posts: 31
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    No but iff you search online u can find all themed deck lists copy and import them

  • megangel2011
    megangel2011 Member Posts: 5
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    I had so many decks on TCG I’m super upset about it