What do you think of this Gholdengo Deck? Any Tips?

4 Gimmieghoul
4 Gholdengo
2 Palkia VStar
2 Palkia V
3 Superior Energy Retrieval
4 Energy Retrieval
1 Klara
4 Nest ball
4 Ultra Ball
2 Capturing Aroma
3 Arven
2 Bosses Order
1 Lady
2 Worker
1 Choice Belt
2 Trekking Shoes
1 Clive
3 Earthen Vessel
Choice belt for Girantina
Help edit my deck for Mimickyu counters plz
Thank You :)
Radiant Greninja is your friend in this situation.
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Either +2 Canceling Cologne, or +1 Cologne and +1 Radiant Greninja. Cologne is good not only because it shuts down Mimikyu but also because it disables the new Fluttering Mane from Temporal Forces. On top of that, if you use Radiant Greninja in the active, you can play Boss+Cologne to bring up the opponent's Manaphy and take 2 KOs.
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This deck is very similar to my dads deck and he almost always wins so I have no tips. Good job!