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[BUG] Jirachi does not block Hisuian Braviary

ALake89 chose tails for the opening coin flip.
TopKec won the coin toss.
TopKec decided to go second.
ALake89 drew 7 cards for the opening hand.

  • 7 drawn cards.
    • Battle VIP Pass, Switch, Lost Vacuum, Rare Candy, Lumineon V, Rare Candy, Super Rod
    TopKec drew 7 cards for the opening hand.
  • 7 drawn cards.
    ALake89 played Lumineon V to the Active Spot.
    TopKec played Zorua to the Active Spot.

Turn # 1 - ALake89's Turn
ALake89 drew Arven.
ALake89 played Battle VIP Pass.

  • ALake89 drew 2 cards and played them to the Bench.
    • Bidoof, Charmander
  • ALake89 shuffled their deck.
    ALake89 ended their turn.

Turn # 1 - TopKec's Turn
TopKec drew a card.
TopKec played Radiant Alakazam to the Bench.
TopKec played Ultra Ball.

  • TopKec discarded 2 cards.
    • Counter Catcher, Kirlia
  • TopKec drew Hisuian Basculin.
  • TopKec shuffled their deck.
    TopKec played Hisuian Basculin to the Bench.
    TopKec attached Reversal Energy to Zorua in the Active Spot.
    TopKec played Iono.
  • TopKec shuffled their hand.
  • TopKec put a card on the bottom of their deck.
  • ALake89 shuffled their hand.
  • ALake89 put 6 cards on the bottom of their deck.
    • Lost Vacuum, Super Rod, Rare Candy, Switch, Rare Candy, Arven
  • TopKec drew 6 cards.
  • ALake89 drew 6 cards.
    • Arven, Basic Fire Energy, Radiant Charizard, Collapsed Stadium, Battle VIP Pass, Basic Fire Energy
    TopKec retreated Zorua to the Bench.
  • Reversal Energy was discarded from TopKec's Zorua.
    TopKec's Hisuian Basculin is now in the Active Spot.
    TopKec's Hisuian Basculin used Gather the Crew.
  • TopKec drew 2 cards and played them to the Bench.
    • Misdreavus, Ralts
  • TopKec shuffled their deck.

Turn # 2 - ALake89's Turn
ALake89 drew Bidoof.
ALake89 played Bidoof to the Bench.
ALake89 played Arven.

  • ALake89 drew 2 cards.
    • Ultra Ball, Defiance Band
  • ALake89 shuffled their deck.
    ALake89 played Ultra Ball.
  • ALake89 discarded 2 cards.
    • Basic Fire Energy, Battle VIP Pass
  • ALake89 drew Bibarel.
  • ALake89 shuffled their deck.
    ALake89 played Radiant Charizard to the Bench.
    ALake89 attached Basic Fire Energy to Radiant Charizard on the Bench.
    ALake89 evolved Bidoof to Bibarel on the Bench.
    ALake89 attached Defiance Band to Radiant Charizard on the Bench.
    ALake89 played Collapsed Stadium to the Stadium spot.
    ALake89's Bibarel used Industrious Incisors.
  • ALake89 drew 5 cards.
    • Charizard ex, Jirachi, Boss's Orders, Escape Rope, Charizard ex
    ALake89 ended their turn.

Turn # 2 - TopKec's Turn
TopKec drew a card.
TopKec played Ultra Ball.

  • TopKec discarded 2 cards.
    • Hisuian Braviary, Kleavor
  • TopKec drew Mismagius.
  • TopKec shuffled their deck.
    TopKec evolved Misdreavus to Mismagius on the Bench.
    TopKec evolved Zorua to Zoroark on the Bench.
    TopKec evolved Ralts to Kirlia on the Bench.
    TopKec played Iono.
  • TopKec shuffled their hand.
  • TopKec put a card on the bottom of their deck.
  • ALake89 shuffled their hand.
  • ALake89 put 5 cards on the bottom of their deck.
    • Escape Rope, Jirachi, Charizard ex, Charizard ex, Boss's Orders
  • TopKec drew 6 cards.
  • ALake89 drew 6 cards.
    • Basic Fire Energy, Skwovet, Iono, Rare Candy, Charmander, Switch
    TopKec's Kirlia used Refinement.
  • TopKec discarded Togetic.
  • TopKec drew 2 cards.
    TopKec played Artazon to the Stadium spot.
  • ALake89 discarded Collapsed Stadium.
    TopKec played Artazon.
  • TopKec drew Ralts and played it to the Bench.
  • TopKec shuffled their deck.
    TopKec's Hisuian Basculin used Gather the Crew.

Turn # 3 - ALake89's Turn
ALake89 drew Charizard ex.
ALake89 played Charmander to the Bench.
ALake89 played Rare Candy.

  • ALake89 evolved Charmander to Charizard ex on the Bench.
    ALake89's Charizard ex used Infernal Reign.
  • ALake89 attached Basic Fire Energy to Charizard ex on the Bench.
  • ALake89 attached Basic Fire Energy to Charizard ex on the Bench.
    ALake89 played Switch.
  • ALake89's Charizard ex was switched with ALake89's Lumineon V to become the Active Pokémon.
    ALake89's Charizard ex is now in the Active Spot.
    ALake89 attached Basic Fire Energy to Charmander on the Bench.
    ALake89's Bibarel used Industrious Incisors.
  • ALake89 drew 3 cards.
    • Lost Vacuum, Iono, Arven
    ALake89 played Arven.
  • ALake89 drew 2 cards.
    • Ultra Ball, Choice Belt
  • ALake89 shuffled their deck.
    ALake89's Charizard ex used Burning Darkness on TopKec’s Hisuian Basculin for 180 damage.
    TopKec's Hisuian Basculin was Knocked Out!
    TopKec's Zoroark is now in the Active Spot.
    ALake89 took a Prize card.
    Forest Seal Stone was added to ALake89's hand.

Turn # 3 - TopKec's Turn
TopKec drew a card.
TopKec played Ultra Ball.

  • TopKec discarded 2 cards.
    • Professor Turo's Scenario, Level Ball
  • TopKec drew Electivire.
  • TopKec shuffled their deck.
    TopKec played Artazon.
  • TopKec drew Zorua and played it to the Bench.
  • TopKec shuffled their deck.
    TopKec evolved Ralts to Kirlia on the Bench.
    TopKec's Kirlia used Refinement.
  • TopKec discarded Electivire.
  • TopKec drew 2 cards.
    TopKec's Zoroark used Phantom Transformation.
  • TopKec discarded Zoroark.
  • Zorua was discarded from TopKec's Zoroark.
  • TopKec drew Electivire and played it to the Active Spot.
    TopKec attached Reversal Energy to Electivire in the Active Spot.
    TopKec evolved Kirlia to Gallade on the Bench.
    TopKec's Gallade used Buddy Catch.
  • TopKec drew Iono.
  • TopKec shuffled their deck.
    TopKec played Iono.
  • TopKec shuffled their hand.
  • TopKec put 3 cards on the bottom of their deck.
  • ALake89 shuffled their hand.
  • ALake89 put 7 cards on the bottom of their deck.
    • Skwovet, Iono, Iono, Choice Belt, Ultra Ball, Forest Seal Stone, Lost Vacuum
  • TopKec drew 6 cards.
  • ALake89 drew 5 cards.
    • Super Rod, Charizard ex, Battle VIP Pass, Rare Candy, Boss's Orders
    TopKec's Kirlia used Refinement.
  • TopKec discarded Jirachi.
  • TopKec drew 2 cards.
    TopKec's Electivire used High-Voltage Current on ALake89’s Charizard ex for 50 damage.
  • ALake89's Lumineon V took 50 damage.
  • ALake89's Charmander took 50 damage.
  • ALake89's Bibarel took 50 damage.
  • ALake89's Radiant Charizard took 50 damage.
    ALake89's Bidoof used Carefree Countenance.
  • Damage to Bidoof was prevented.

Turn # 4 - ALake89's Turn
ALake89 drew Iono.
ALake89 played Rare Candy.

  • ALake89 evolved Charmander to Charizard ex on the Bench.
    ALake89's Charizard ex used Infernal Reign.
  • ALake89 attached Basic Fire Energy to Charizard ex on the Bench.
    ALake89 played Iono.
  • ALake89 shuffled their hand.
  • ALake89 put 3 cards on the bottom of their deck.
    • Boss's Orders, Battle VIP Pass, Super Rod
  • TopKec shuffled their hand.
  • TopKec put 7 cards on the bottom of their deck.
  • ALake89 drew 5 cards.
    • Switch, Escape Rope, Manaphy, Arven, Ultra Ball
  • TopKec drew 6 cards.
    ALake89's Charizard ex used Burning Darkness on TopKec’s Electivire for 180 damage.
    TopKec's Electivire was Knocked Out!
    Reversal Energy was discarded from TopKec's Electivire.
    TopKec's Mismagius is now in the Active Spot.
    ALake89 took a Prize card.
    Counter Catcher was added to ALake89's hand.

Turn # 4 - TopKec's Turn
TopKec drew a card.
TopKec played Artazon.

  • TopKec shuffled their deck.
    TopKec played Zorua to the Bench.
    TopKec's Kirlia used Refinement.
  • TopKec discarded Slowbro.
  • TopKec drew 2 cards.
    TopKec evolved Zorua to Zoroark on the Bench.
    TopKec attached Reversal Energy to Mismagius in the Active Spot.
    TopKec played Level Ball.
  • TopKec drew Manaphy.
  • TopKec shuffled their deck.
    TopKec played Professor's Research.
  • TopKec discarded 4 cards.
    • Drifblim, Level Ball, Switch, Manaphy
  • TopKec drew 7 cards.
    TopKec's Radiant Alakazam used Painful Spoons.
  • TopKec moved 2 damage counters from ALake89's Bibarel to ALake89's Bidoof.
    TopKec's Mismagius used Eerie Voice.
  • TopKec put 2 damage counters on ALake89's Charizard ex.
  • TopKec put 2 damage counters on ALake89's Bidoof.
  • TopKec put 2 damage counters on ALake89's Radiant Charizard.
  • TopKec put 2 damage counters on ALake89's Bibarel.
  • TopKec put 2 damage counters on ALake89's Lumineon V.
  • TopKec put 2 damage counters on ALake89's Charizard ex.

Turn # 5 - ALake89's Turn
ALake89 drew Boss's Orders.
ALake89 played Boss's Orders.

  • TopKec's Zoroark was switched with TopKec's Mismagius to become the Active Pokémon.
    TopKec's Zoroark is now in the Active Spot.
    ALake89 played Ultra Ball.
  • ALake89 discarded 2 cards.
    • Counter Catcher, Escape Rope
  • ALake89 drew Bibarel.
  • ALake89 shuffled their deck.
    ALake89 evolved Bidoof to Bibarel on the Bench.
    ALake89's Bibarel used Industrious Incisors.
  • ALake89 drew 2 cards.
    • Boss's Orders, Battle VIP Pass
    ALake89's Charizard ex used Burning Darkness on TopKec’s Zoroark for 180 damage.
    TopKec's Zoroark was Knocked Out!
    Zorua was discarded from TopKec's Zoroark.
    TopKec's Mismagius is now in the Active Spot.
    ALake89 took a Prize card.
    Arven was added to ALake89's hand.

Turn # 5 - TopKec's Turn
TopKec drew a card.
TopKec played Artazon.

  • TopKec shuffled their deck.
    TopKec played Super Rod.
  • TopKec shuffled Zoroark into their deck.
  • TopKec moved TopKec's 2 cards to their deck.
    • Zorua, Zorua
    TopKec's Kirlia used Refinement.
  • TopKec discarded Artazon.
  • TopKec drew 2 cards.
    TopKec attached Basic Psychic Energy to Radiant Alakazam on the Bench.
    TopKec evolved Zorua to Zoroark on the Bench.
    TopKec's Radiant Alakazam used Painful Spoons.
  • TopKec moved 2 damage counters from ALake89's Charizard ex to ALake89's Lumineon V.
    TopKec's Mismagius used Eerie Voice.
  • TopKec put 2 damage counters on ALake89's Charizard ex.
  • TopKec put 2 damage counters on ALake89's Radiant Charizard.
  • TopKec put 2 damage counters on ALake89's Bibarel.
  • TopKec put 2 damage counters on ALake89's Lumineon V.
  • TopKec put 2 damage counters on ALake89's Charizard ex.
  • TopKec put 2 damage counters on ALake89's Bibarel.

Turn # 6 - ALake89's Turn
ALake89 drew Iono.
ALake89 played Boss's Orders.

  • TopKec's Zoroark was switched with TopKec's Mismagius to become the Active Pokémon.
    TopKec's Zoroark is now in the Active Spot.
    ALake89's Charizard ex used Burning Darkness on TopKec’s Zoroark for 180 damage.
    TopKec's Zoroark was Knocked Out!
    Zorua was discarded from TopKec's Zoroark.
    TopKec's Mismagius is now in the Active Spot.
    ALake89 took a Prize card.
    Charmander was added to ALake89's hand.

Turn # 6 - TopKec's Turn
TopKec drew a card.
TopKec played Super Rod.

  • TopKec shuffled Zorua into their deck.
  • TopKec moved TopKec's 2 cards to their deck.
    • Zoroark, Zoroark
    TopKec played Artazon.
  • TopKec drew Zorua and played it to the Bench.
  • TopKec shuffled their deck.
    TopKec's Kirlia used Refinement.
  • TopKec discarded Double Turbo Energy.
  • TopKec drew 2 cards.
    TopKec played Nest Ball.
  • TopKec drew Zorua and played it to the Bench.
  • TopKec shuffled their deck.
    TopKec attached Basic Psychic Energy to Radiant Alakazam on the Bench.
    TopKec attached Technical Machine: Devolution to Mismagius in the Active Spot.
    TopKec's Radiant Alakazam used Painful Spoons.
  • TopKec moved a damage counter from ALake89's Bibarel to ALake89's Lumineon V.
    TopKec's Mismagius used Devolution.
  • TopKec devolved ALake89's Bibarel to Bidoof on the Bench.
  • ALake89 moved ALake89's Bibarel to their hand.
  • TopKec devolved ALake89's Charizard ex to Charmander on the Bench.
  • ALake89 moved ALake89's Charizard ex to their hand.
  • TopKec devolved ALake89's Bibarel to Bidoof on the Bench.
  • ALake89 moved ALake89's Bibarel to their hand.
  • TopKec devolved ALake89's Charizard ex to Charmander in the Active Spot.
  • ALake89 moved ALake89's Charizard ex to their hand.
  • 3 cards were discarded from ALake89's Charizard ex.
    • Charmander, Basic Fire Energy, Basic Fire Energy
  • 3 cards were discarded from ALake89's Charizard ex.
    • Charmander, Basic Fire Energy, Basic Fire Energy
    Bidoof was discarded from ALake89's Bibarel.
    Bidoof was discarded from ALake89's Bibarel.
    ALake89's Radiant Charizard is now in the Active Spot.
    TopKec took 4 Prize cards.
    A card was added to TopKec's hand.
    A card was added to TopKec's hand.
    A card was added to TopKec's hand.
    A card was added to TopKec's hand.
    Technical Machine: Devolution was activated.
  • Technical Machine: Devolution was discarded from TopKec's Mismagius.

Turn # 7 - ALake89's Turn
ALake89 drew Ultra Ball.
ALake89 played Charmander to the Bench.
ALake89 played Manaphy to the Bench.
ALake89 played Ultra Ball.

  • ALake89 discarded 2 cards.
    • Arven, Bibarel
  • ALake89 drew Jirachi.
  • ALake89 shuffled their deck.
    ALake89 played Jirachi to the Bench.
    ALake89 played Artazon.
  • ALake89 drew Charmander and played it to the Bench.
  • ALake89 shuffled their deck.
    ALake89 played Iono.
  • ALake89 shuffled their hand.
  • ALake89 put 6 cards on the bottom of their deck.
    • Charizard ex, Bibarel, Arven, Charizard ex, Switch, Battle VIP Pass
  • TopKec shuffled their hand.
  • TopKec put 8 cards on the bottom of their deck.
  • ALake89 drew 2 cards.
    • Boss's Orders, Hisuian Heavy Ball
  • TopKec drew 2 cards.
    ALake89 played Hisuian Heavy Ball.
  • ALake89 shuffled their Prize cards.
    ALake89 ended their turn.

Turn # 7 - TopKec's Turn
TopKec drew a card.
TopKec evolved Zorua to Zoroark on the Bench.
TopKec evolved Zorua to Zoroark on the Bench.
TopKec's Kirlia used Refinement.

  • TopKec discarded Nest Ball.
  • TopKec drew a card.
  • TopKec drew a card.
    TopKec's Gallade used Buddy Catch.
  • TopKec drew Professor's Research.
  • TopKec shuffled their deck.
    TopKec's Radiant Alakazam used Painful Spoons.
  • TopKec moved 2 damage counters from ALake89's Radiant Charizard to ALake89's Lumineon V.
    TopKec retreated Mismagius to the Bench.
  • Reversal Energy was discarded from TopKec's Mismagius.
    TopKec's Zoroark is now in the Active Spot.
    TopKec's Zoroark used Phantom Transformation.
  • TopKec discarded Zoroark.
  • Zorua was discarded from TopKec's Zoroark.
  • TopKec drew Hisuian Braviary and played it to the Active Spot.
    TopKec's Hisuian Braviary used Eerie Cry.
  • TopKec put 3 damage counters on ALake89's Radiant Charizard.
  • TopKec put 3 damage counters on ALake89's Lumineon V.
    ALake89's Lumineon V was Knocked Out!
    TopKec took 2 Prize cards.
    A card was added to TopKec's hand.
    A card was added to TopKec's hand.
    Opponent took all of their Prize cards. TopKec wins.


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  • Member Posts: 2,901 ✭✭✭✭✭
    2500 Comments 500 Agrees 250 Likes 50 Answers

    It's not supposed to block Hisuian Braviary. Read your cards. It blocks BASIC Pokémon. Hisuian Braviary is a STAGE 1 Pokémon. Therefore, Jirachi can't block it.

  • Member Posts: 51
    10 Comments First Anniversary 5 Agrees 5 Likes

    Yes @TechHog explained it. Right but what about Mewtwo vunion.

    And if jirachi doesn't block it what about new stage one rabsca (paradox rift) with spherical shield ability. Does this card prevent any damage counter or attack. Meaning it prevent any think happens to the Pokemon on the bench. Pls tell me

  • Member Posts: 189 ✭✭✭
    100 Comments Second Anniversary 25 Likes 25 Agrees

    Mewtwo vunion wasn't even mentioned here...but yes, rabsca does seem to block damage and damage counters from attacks, on benched pokemon only, as damage counters count as an attack effect. But that card hasn't released in english yet.

  • Member Posts: 7
    First Anniversary Name Dropper First Comment

    @Bhramavi a v-union is not a basic, it is a v-union. And as such, it will not be blocked by Jirachi. As for rabsca, it will be coming in temporal fates. Based on the tentative translation we have seen, it will block any damage or damage counters being placed on the bench.


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