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Hoopas total healing doesnt appear

In the battle data at the end of a match, it doesn't appear the amount of recovery made by sending teammates in the hyperspace hole to the base.


  • SirenSoule
    SirenSoule Member Posts: 3
    Name Dropper First Comment

    Might be a late response but u think this is intentional. After all, the base is the entity that is healing your allies, not Hoopas portal. Likewise if you're low on HP and recall, the healing isn't attributed to your character.

    This isn't the only thing in the game that isn't fully tracked. Mr Mime increases the damage his allies can do with powerswap, but the extra damage is credited to his allies, not Mr Mime himself. If the players on your team can't see your contributions beyond the pure numbers, it's their problem, not yours.