Which Pokémon would you like to have Mega Evolution?

Now that Pokémon Legends Z-A has been announced, and the return of Mega Evolutions as well, which Pokémon could possibly have Mega Evolutions? I would particularly love for Ninetales to get a Mega-Evolution, it could have a Mega Charizard Z, maybe the supposed starters of this Legends could have a mega evolution too, I even thought about the game choosing the starters twice, once choosing in the Legends Arceus style and another choose the Kalos classics, I also thought about Zoroark, Flygon, Frosslass, Dragonite and Druddigon gaining a Mega-evolution
Raichu, wooper, dragonite or miraidon/koraidon
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Nidoking/queen and kalos starters
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Wow, only one person brought up Flygon, I'm impressed
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Cinderace, Inteleon, Rillaboom, Incineroar, Primarina, Decidueye, Delphox, Greninja, Chesnaught, Emboar, Samurott, Serperior, Infernape, Empoleon, Torterra, Typslosion, Feraligator and Meganium.
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Starters (especially Delphox), and legendaries (maybe Mythicals too).
Flygon is pretty likely if they're making new megas imo.