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Game Breaking Bug against Mew V-Max



  • Flagrama
    Flagrama Member Posts: 143 ✭✭
    100 Comments 25 Likes 5 Answers 5 Agrees

    As long as this card is attached to a Pokémon, it provides every type of Energy but provides only 1 Energy at a time. Prevent all effects of your opponent’s Pokémon’s Abilities done to the Pokémon this card is attached to.

    Could be Genesect V's ability checking that a Pokemon is a Fusion Strike and the Energy trying to block it causing some kind of infinite loop? Fusion Strike Energy shouldn't be trying to block it at all of course, but it seems like the most probable rules engine bug here.

  • pears_91
    pears_91 Member Posts: 39
    10 Comments Name Dropper 5 Agrees

    its happened to me alot too,

    I couldn't say what it is that breaks it, one game yesterday it happened before anything had been played. I only knew it was mew deck as when i conseeded genesect showed up as the opponents pokemon on the end of game screen.

    its happened 5 out of last 10 games ive played and all against mew deck. other matches have worked fine. no match against mew has worked that I can recall in that time so its pretty consistently broken.

  • KeysCaliber
    KeysCaliber Member Posts: 6
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    I've so far had it happen twice to me today when I was playing with my mew VMax against others specifically when they attach a Fusion Strike energy from hand to a Mew V. I've never attached FS energy to Mew from hand from what I can recall.

    Attaching to Meloetta from hand works perfectly fine and Mew V is fine when it's Elesa's sparkle attach from deck.

  • skyechan
    skyechan Member Posts: 15
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    Happening to me too. Gotta be something in the Mew deck. Please fix!!

  • jon11w
    jon11w Member Posts: 165 ✭✭✭
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    @TPCi_CursedSoup any acknowledgement of this bug? It's an abusable, game-winning bug that gives an automatic win to the Mew Vmax player.

    You have an entire thread here, plus many others, describing the issue, but to confirm; evolve a Mew V in the active spot whilst it has a Fusion Strike energy attached and your opponent will be locked out of the game. As the Mew player you will get a victory after two turns due to inactivity from the opponent. The opponent will either exit the game or sit there for twenty minutes whilst the timer ticks down.

    This is not the only critical bug occuring at the moment, but it is an easily reproduced. Some sort of comment/acknowledgement of this and all the other bug reports would be appreciated.

    Once again - you're expecting us to find bugs for you but you aren't even acknowledging the bug reports provided. Shockingly poor communication.

  • zeromegaman242
    zeromegaman242 Member Posts: 2
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    This bug is happening for me as well every time I play against this deck ever since all the bugs started. This results in an automatic loss for me each time.

  • piperdada
    piperdada Member Posts: 2
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    edited December 2022 #28

    This happened to me twice today and a couple times over the past week. Only against Mew VMax decks. The Mew player stops making plays during their turn and the timer counts down. I concede after 5 minutes.

  • FrozenBlaze110
    FrozenBlaze110 Member Posts: 6
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    It just keeps happening -- there is no point to play ranked due to people abusing this deck.

  • SilverWingTCG
    SilverWingTCG Member Posts: 3
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    How can the developers let this bug last for almost a week? Ranked is unplayable because it’s 90% players abusing the Mew Vmax bug. I guess people just want in game currency and don’t actually want to play the game. Even running into this on casual from time to time, the only way to maybe play an actual game where it’s not bug exploit city. The “compensation” better be a few hundred ladder rank and a play set of tropical beaches (especially considering it will be an uncraftable card that only those who migrate from PTCGO with will be able to play legitimate expanded decks), but that’s a whole other topic.

  • FrozenBlaze110
    FrozenBlaze110 Member Posts: 6
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    Can confirm, it broke on turn 2.... been sitting here ever since because I've lost too much of my rank on the ladder because of this stupid thing.