PKMN Legends: Z-A Official Starter Discussion

- Who do you think our Grass Starter will be?
- Who do you think our Fire Starter will be?
- Who do you think our Water Starter will be?
- Is there a chance we could get a non-traditional Starter, like Eevee?
- Who was your Starter in X & Y?
Grass Turtwig
Fire Tepig
Water Totodile
These would be ones I would be interested in but I hope they get a new type.
I got Froakie in Pokemon Y
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Fire: Tepig
Grass: Chikorita
Water: Sobble
My starter in x-y was Froakie, Greninja is awesome.
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grass - Snivy (it takes inspiration from France)
Fire - Chimchar (I think the trio will be Pokémon that don’t have any forms or popularity and Chimchar was my final option)
Water Popplio (I associate the French with the circus and mimes)
I plan on replaying x soon
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Grass: Bulbasaur
Fire: Litten
Water: Totodile
(Maybe this is just wishful thinking but I'd love to see those.)
I hope there aren't any non-traditional starters, I already didn't like it when they did that in LGP and LGE.(let's go Pikachu and let's go Eevee.)
I did not play XY.
Also, I swear there are already like ten different discussions on Z-A that popped up the second the announcements came out.
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