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Opponent has no timer

Mantech4 Member Posts: 3
First Comment 5 Agrees

There is a bug that allows one to have unlimited timer so it forces the other person to concede after being annoyed.



  • Mantech4
    Mantech4 Member Posts: 3
    First Comment 5 Agrees

    My opponent Zazy0w0 did it twice to me but I waited it out. I saw that he won 2 games while I played 1 game using this tactic

  • TechHog
    TechHog Member Posts: 2,757 ✭✭✭✭
    2500 Comments Second Anniversary 500 Agrees 250 Likes

    It's the worst bug in the game, possibly in any online game ever, and needs to be the #1 priority.

    DeBlobisBACK is another one.

  • Mod_haruichii
    Mod_haruichii Member Posts: 31
    5 Likes First Comment First Answer Photogenic

    Hi Trainers@SazanKingDoring!

    Thanks for the feedback! The development team is taking notes about this type of issue and they will update you guys as soon as fixed. If you have any other feedback related to this issue please share it here so we can try to deliver it to the development team.

  • 040Brian
    040Brian Member Posts: 1
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    Same, FTFFrogman is another one.

    I was already annoyed at players taking excessive amounts of time in the TCGO but this makes me want to quit al together

  • scafold
    scafold Member Posts: 2
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    A player named Gillesmon is doing this to me right now. Turn 2 and he hasn't played a card. Trying to make me concede out of annoyance.

    This doesn't usually happen on the mobile version of the game for me, today's the first time I've played Live on pc and I've instantly run into the issue. Please fix this!

  • scafold
    scafold Member Posts: 2
    First Comment

    A player named Gillesmon is doing this to me right now. Turn 2 and he hasn't played a card. Trying to make me concede out of annoyance.

    This doesn't usually happen on the mobile version of the game for me, today's the first time I've played Live on pc and I've instantly run into the issue. Please fix this!

  • MermazingRex
    MermazingRex Member Posts: 1
    First Comment First Anniversary

    This is still an issue, come across it a few times, wasting 20 minutes letting it count down and still does nothing. They win no consequence.

  • vanityrain
    vanityrain Member Posts: 1
    First Comment

    i am in a game now in which the player nvm3 just left and the timer hit zero but nothing happened.

    could i recommend you do a 'if you don't play a card for 90 seconds you auto end your turn'

    gives the person being stalled a way to just play without conceding.

    or add a report button on settings, so you could watch the replay and take action against the offender.

  • Moopins
    Moopins Member Posts: 2
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    Same, happening to me today 12/12. Abuser MLA420.

  • DanBonehill
    DanBonehill Member Posts: 3
    First Comment

    Also in a game right now where this is happening, player Scheddel hasn't made any actions on turn 2 and I've now been waiting 15 minutes for a timeout. It's unfair that it appears I have to concede, take the loss and this person will 'advance' in the ladder. There really is no point in playing right now if this is a common occurrence.