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Improvement to the "test deck" feature

Dear Live Dev Team,

I've been using the "test deck" feature today to learn a new deck before playing it for real (both online and in-person) but having never used the feature before now I didn't realise how bad it was. So several issues with it:

  • It's terrible at playing the game and doesn't seem to know how its own decks work.
  • It regularly seems to deck itself out after only 4 or 5 turns, often by repeatedly playing Professor's Research with large hands.
  • Once it knocked out a benched Pokemon by using Magma Basin on it multiple times over several turns and I won as I only had 1 prize left to take.
  • It plays out of rotation cards.

Whilst it did allow me to learn my deck, it wasn't particularly useful and provided no sort of challenge at all. So my suggestions for improvements would be:

  1. Make it so it knows how to play the game and doesn't do silly things, like decking itself out, knocking out its own Pokemon, etc…
  2. Add a "difficulty" setting, e.g. easy, medium, hard & pro so you can play against something with a challenge. Sometimes you just want to test a deck and don't want that to be against a "real" person who could be any level of player.
  3. Add an option for you to set the deck list you are playing against, so you can test your deck against a potentially "real" matchup. This should be any deck list you have and you shouldn't need to "own" the cards in the game, just allow for an "import" at the beginning of the game, like you can import a deck list in the deck builder.

This would make the feature far more useful to players, particularly those of us who play IRL as well, so we can test decks in more "real world" scenarios.



  • OlderAngel11
    OlderAngel11 Member Posts: 1,813 ✭✭✭✭✭
    500 Agrees 1000 Comments 250 Likes 25 Answers

    I think these suggestions for improvement are great. I'd love to play against any deck I want, as the only reason I play Live is for practice for IRL