Pokemon Base Form Starter Bracket Round 1 Match 9

We have 2 other rounds going on at the same time so please check those out!
Chespin VS Turtwig
First a Fire VS Fire Match then a Water VS Water Match now a Grass VS Grass Match
Best Answers
I forgot to say that every generation 5 starter has either moved on to round 2 or been disqualified
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oh sorry I meant gen 4 with Turtwig and Piplup no longer being on my wheel though since snivy is also in the current bracket
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and the winner is Chespin
It has as well. Good observation
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Chespin. @ODiddy9876 This is @Hey_PIKMIN ’s bracket. Of course he knows what’s going on with his Pokémon.
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You guys are like clones on these three rounds, you each choose the same starter but unfortunately you both only had one right answer which was Piplup, obviously Turtwig and Cyndaquil are much better
Just kidding you are entitled to your own opinions
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sense were just doing the first evolution chespin
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Turtwig it was the first mon I got in the PMD EoS quiz