Extra prize card Glitch

has anyone else experienced a glitch where players are taking 1 extra prize card after knocking out your Pokémon? I’ve seen players take 3 prize cards when an ex Pokémon is knocked out. And I’ve seen my opponent take 4 prize cards when knocking out my vmax Pokémon. No stadiums are in play or abilities are used to add the extra card. And I have the game logs to prove it. What is going on?🤯
Are you playing in expanded? If so Arceus/Dialga/Palkia gx has an attack that grants that as a buff for the rest of the game. (allows their attacks to deal 30 more damage, and, if an extra water energy was attached, they take 1 more prize card for each ko)
for the vmaxes it's possible your opponent used a sky stone seal, but i'm not sure about how they got an extra prize on an ex if you're actually playing standard.
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There was a Prism Star Jirachi in SM that allowed players to take an extra prize if they took the Jirachi off the prize cards, maybe that's what happened?
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Iron Hands ex can use Amp You Very Much to take an extra prize
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never encountered any of those cards during the play through. I am on the expanded, so I review every card they use to try and figure it out, and no card has shown that ability.