What is your favorite Pokémon move

Final gambit decorate or bitter blade is mine
I really like the alolan starter pokemon specialty moves and there z-moves.
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Flower Trick is funny
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I am biased to this move, cause my Bellibolt used it in SV and absolutely DOMINATED the elite four. The move: Muddy Water!
BTW Bellibolt is a crazy pokemon, with that ability to increase sp. atk. whenever you get hit! wild. It totally carried me through the Larry battle in the elite four, which I otherwise would've lost.
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Water shuriken
water shuriken!!!!!!
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Pyro Ball!!!
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Actually, it's Gmax Fire Ball
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Soul-Stealing 7-Star Strike is very fun to say
Accelerock sounds cool
Ivy Cudgel: It’s a new move I just learned about today
Let’s Snuggle Forever: aww, so cute (and so violent)
Pika Papow: idk why
Tachyon Cutter
Take Heart
Most of these are literally just because they sound weird/cool