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Pokémon TCG Live 1.3.1 Update Issues - *UPDATED 12/22/22*



  • SilverWingTCG
    SilverWingTCG Member Posts: 3
    First Comment

    It seems after the 12/8/22 update that fusion strike system after turn one soft locks the game. I’ve had three matches in a row against mew that this happened with. Keep up the good work! Understand there’s a lot of cards and code to straighten out but we’ll get there!

  • cexample
    cexample Member Posts: 2
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    Game still soft locks, and I lost points on the ranked ladder. I won't play until the game is fixed. Either revert the change or fix asap

  • TechHog
    TechHog Member Posts: 2,757 ✭✭✭✭
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    @TPCi_CursedSoup Please just remove all of the new animations. They look bad anyway.

  • AmazingAce
    AmazingAce Member Posts: 2
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    I'm a big fan of all the animations, just saying. But having the game freeze when people are selecting a card with great ball, or a similar functioning supporter card, is just disheartening. Sure, it's fun to beat people, but having them waiting a minute to not select a single card in these situations just takes the whole spirit away from the whole thing.

  • tche922
    tche922 Member Posts: 3
    First Comment 5 Agrees

    im having a buug that my timer counts the second and action starts. When my turn begins, the timer is alredy going down. If i select a quick ball, the timer goes down, when the opponent passes the turn, my time start counting down in opponents passing animation (it shaves abou 4 seconds till i can make an action). Its awful to have to rushg things, i cant even think cause the timer start every second of my turn/actions. The game is unplayable this way and i have no idea to who i can report this bug.

  • TechHog
    TechHog Member Posts: 2,757 ✭✭✭✭
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    @AmazingAce The animations are probably causing the glitches.

  • Lckim178633
    Lckim178633 Member Posts: 1
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    My iPad is still having problems with the game’s flash back ,When can solve the problem

  • MakkuroKuroe
    MakkuroKuroe Member Posts: 9
    Photogenic First Comment 5 Agrees

    Hi, again!! how are u??

    I got this problem...

    it's just stays locked on the other player's turn for 17 mins... the clock counts down to 00:00 but nothing happened...

    I'm still waiting, I don't know if the problem is on my side or on the other player's.

  • Geohoffa
    Geohoffa Member Posts: 1
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    Still freezing in games on Android, never had the problem before the PTCGL.

    Maybe the programmers can visit that part of the programming for Android and see if they missed something. Never experienced this many issues with games played over the last 30 years??

  • pears_91
    pears_91 Member Posts: 39
    5 Agrees Name Dropper 10 Comments

    If my experience is anything to go by are less people experiencing the problems because there not paying it as the problems are so frequent for me ive stopped playing until an update is released.

    every other match is against mew and it soft whatsimigigies I think It needs a hotfix again