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Mew Vmax still freeze the game after update

The opponent's Mew Vmax froze three games in a row.

I attached the version screenshot for u, thx.


  • squibix
    squibix Member Posts: 43
    5 Agrees First Anniversary 10 Comments

    Yes, every game I've played against Mew has ended with the game stuck with the opponents timer running, and me unable to take any actions. I can't even concede. If I exit the game I get a loss, even after the opponent's time has run down to zero.

  • keithtalent
    keithtalent Member Posts: 6
    First Comment

    I've had the same problem. I try so hard to be generous about this game, but seriously guys.

  • DarthRoosevelt
    DarthRoosevelt Member Posts: 6
    First Comment

    Same here, and it just so happens the last three opponents I play all have mews.....timer runs out and I have to close the app, when I restart it it records it as a loss for me.

  • keithtalent
    keithtalent Member Posts: 6
    First Comment

    Is there some benefit for the Mew player to do this? I don't get it. All I have played against is Mew too? I know that people have exploited bugs on the game in the past, so I wouldn't put it past them, but I'd love to see how it works from their side.

  • ChefStingray
    ChefStingray Member Posts: 3
    Name Dropper First Comment 5 Agrees

    @keithtalent I don't think there's a benefit because every mew V-Max I see is in the low 200's with points. I could be wrong though because as of now I'm seeing more mew than anything.

  • MillerTime8990
    MillerTime8990 Member Posts: 1
    First Comment


    Everyone is using Mew/Mew Vmax now…

    There is some serious shadiness happening… it’s really making it hard to enjoy this hobby.

    Can they please just let us migrate back to the other app until this one is fixed?

  • TinNichole
    TinNichole Member Posts: 2
    Photogenic First Comment

    Unironically just happened to me as well. I was just joking around saying it was because of mew vmax and then i see this. Coincidence? I think not!

  • Isasmallquietar
    Isasmallquietar Member Posts: 6
    First Comment

    I meet the same problem.

  • s0moist
    s0moist Member Posts: 7
    First Comment Photogenic

    It counts as a loss for the mew player too.
