When will Expanded be fully available on TCG Live?

When can we expect to see the Black & White on be added and playable in PTCG Live? I'm not going to lie, I was a bit disappointed to see that it wasn't available at launch. I've been patiently waiting for expanded to make a come back.
There are so many benefits to having expanded around it's not even funny. I think sometimes it can be a bit scary for specifically new players because of the amount of cards but that's the beauty of expanded. You can literally make anything work! On top of that it keeps card playable and the value of whatever collect high.
I'd love to see Expanded shown more attention. I feel like it's put on the back burner which hurts for players like me who have been playing for a while and watched different meta shifts.
I made the same question some days ago, i really miss expanded! the cards are already in there, it should be not that hard to insert such things in the game, specially for a company of the size of pokemon company.
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If it's that hard they should have maintened the old client untill this one was FULLY functional, also being a free game doesn't need to be a bad game, specially in quality. @TechHog
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@Desarme I couldn't agree with you more. We have been waiting too long for something so simple to be implemented into TCGL. I've enjoyed expanded a lot especially in TCGO days and IRL too. There is no way they can just get rid of an entire format(especially when you can already see the expanded card on TCGL) it would just be a waste of pretty much every card that was ever printed. I mean without expanded, GLC format would not exist and loads of people enjoy that too. Patience is key. Good things come to those who wait. I'm glad someone other than myself feels the same pain I do.
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@TechHog What I mean is the amount of time, they have had with this game to improve it and get rid of these bugs and make it a functioning game is a lot to say the least. Pokémon is a well known company that racks in huge amounts of finance yearly and it surprises me that they can't dedicate the necessary amounts of capital to make this game good and actually playable.