Favorite baby pokemon

Member Posts: 3,553 ✭✭✭✭✭
I’m just curious what everyone’s favorite baby pokemon is for me I would say mime jr. or riolu
Baby Pokémon were novel when breeding was introduced in gen 2, but to be honest they just represented downgraded versions of existing Pokémon and outside that gen just became Pokédex filler.
From a visual design perspective, they are often very cute and appealing, so I get it. Their merch must do well.
I quite like Igglybuff. Jigglypuff was already amusing to me, and Igglybuff looks even funnier.
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Does Wooper count?
If not, then Pichu.
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I like Chingling and Elekid.
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Probably Wynaut because its name is funny.
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I pick Wynaut.
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Cuz I mean, why not?
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Pichu, he made a big impression on me and I also think he's really cute and I love Pikachu's evolutionary line too