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Pokémon TCG Live 1.3.1 Update Issues - *UPDATED 12/22/22*



  • KeysCaliber
    KeysCaliber Member Posts: 6
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    I am in a match with someone whom is taking advantage of the bug/Issue with Cresselia and Crescent Glow being trapped in an infinite resolution of the attack but isn't conceding. I don't want to concede as it's their card causing the fault and it's a ranked match.

    The game isn't even ending when their timer hits 0.

  • KeysCaliber
    KeysCaliber Member Posts: 6
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    I am in a match with someone whom is taking advantage of the bug/Issue with Cresselia and Crescent Glow being trapped in an infinite resolution of the attack but isn't conceding. I don't want to concede as it's their card causing the fault and it's a ranked match.

    The game isn't even ending when their timer hits 0.

  • Flightless10
    Flightless10 Member Posts: 4
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    Pokemon such as Articuno cannot use its wild freeze attack and literally freezes and passes the turn to my opponent.

  • jseagles
    jseagles Member Posts: 1
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    I have noticed this repeatedly in games where opponent is playing mew vmax / genesect v deck and using fusion strike energy. this has happened multiple time, always on opponents 2nd or 3rd turn, and game prevents further action. conceding is also not allowed. game timer will run out and still nothing happens. only way to exit is force quit the game.

  • Sough
    Sough Member Posts: 10
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    Thanks for the workaround, it also makes sense why the issue was not detected during regression testing, as most likely the testers did not play a game more than 1 round after launching the client.

    Not putting out any hate, it's an understandable mistake.

  • TechHog
    TechHog Member Posts: 2,901 ✭✭✭✭✭
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    @Sough If that's the case, then they're incompetent. Only testing in one game before restarting the client would be an extremely flawed methodology, and even if the devs are fresh out of college I wouldn't expect that level of incompetency. (Though, I'd also expect them to know how to set a flag to check for a previous knockout and not still have effects like Raihan broken 10 months later, but here we are.)

    They have some problem with their test servers that doesn't properly replicate the live environment.

  • Jamesdizzle
    Jamesdizzle Member Posts: 4
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    edited December 2022 #18

    [Edited by Mod_Skrilla - Do not post URLs, text, or images from non-official Pokémon sites]

    Looks like I made a mistake migrating so soon. There are some good things that come with this such as mobile, and being able to collect the cards quicker with crafting (although my 1000s of tcg code cards are useless now and just get me coins for being over 400 packs)

    The damage counter thing is pretty bad. I havent experieced what others have with the multiple energy attach but my favorite deck using Arceus and Boltund must be unplayable now.

    Ive lost several matches today on ranked due to the inablity to move damage counters. I was about to destroy a Mew Vmax deck in one turn to take six prize cards (if they had seven I would have taken it too!) So frustrating.

  • MakkuroKuroe
    MakkuroKuroe Member Posts: 9
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    Hi, I'm trying to download the new update (1.31.11 - 156349) but the download is too slow...

    It's already 1 hour and it shows only 22%... is there some well-known issue with the updater? or it's just too heavy the update?... it should be nice if we could see any info about the size of the download, the size of the downloaded part, and an estimated time it would take the download...

    Thanks for hearing our feedback!!

  • MazCollects
    MazCollects Member Posts: 1
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    Still the same issue with in game energies. I've updated to the recent update which should have fixed in game moving of energies. Yet, it's not worked.

    Just played a game and lost because my in game moving of energies froze the entire game except the count down.

    Its resulted in loss of points, which happened prior too. Its unfair for users to experience losses as a result of bugs.

    In your "hot fix" you'll need to re address the coding. I know it's not a quick fix in coding but please take another look.

  • jon11w
    jon11w Member Posts: 165 ✭✭✭
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    @Sakura150612 how is that an understandable mistake? That is not adequately testing the most common use case.

    Also, many people are reporting these bugs happening in their first game after launching the client.

    If this kind of thing happens every now and then, it's understandable as a slip up in the testing process. But these kind of game breaking issues aren't happening every now and then. They occurring every patch, every maintenance, every release.

    There is an issue with their testing process, plain and simple. I called it weeks ago when the same bug reoccured on a different card for the third time. I have a very strong suspicion that they aren't testing the game as it is played - they aren't testing decks or combinations- but are rather testing individual cards in isolation.

    At a minimum they should be testing meta decks, playing many, many games with them to ensure that they are working as intended.