Your Electric Type Gym and Pokemon

If you were an electric type gym leader what would your gym be like and what would your pokemon be.
My team would consist of boltund, eelektross, heliolisk, galvantula, lanturn, and electivire. The gym would be a pokeball factory and you have to get to me through a conveyer belt maze. Some have gym trainers at the end of them that you have to fight, and others take you back to the beginning so that you have restart the maze.
This is the fifth installment in this series. The previous types that we have done include Normal, Fire, Water, and Grass. Make sure to go back and comment on those if you missed them!
I don't really know about what my challenge would be, but my team would be: Emolga, Bellibolt, Heliolisk, Pincurchin, Manetric, and Raichu as my ace.
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Mine would probably be a recording studio, as my Pokemon (not me, get siked) would be MasterClass level musical artists. How did I train them to use instruments? Dont ask.
You'd basically just have to do like Geometry Dash but riding on my Zebstrika, and if you touched the loose wires, you and Zebstrika be shocked and have to restart. Luckily Zebstrika's an electric type, so it won't get hurt.
My team would be:
-Zebstrika (Ace Pokemon)
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My gym challenge would be an electric maze that if you hit the walls, you got sent to the start. My team would be a Lanturn(with water absorb), an Ash-cap Pikachu(with the Pikashuium-Z), a Heat-Form Rotom, a Magnezone, a Linoone(Electric Tera-Type), and Morpeko.
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Okay then. I'll redo the majority.
I don't think that making this the gym leader would go well. I've decided to make this an Elite Four Member & a Frontier Brain.
Right after a Gym Challenger beats Third Gym Leader, a cutscene plays, with the Elite Four member running in the Pokemon Gym Challenger's direction, wanting to battle him/her. Sadly, most of the Elite Four Member's Pokemon have fainted, and must be taken to the Pokemon Center. She leaves, gets her Pokemon healed, and somehow makes it to the end of the town before the Pokemon Gym Challenger even takes a step.
After that ordeal, the Pokemon Trainer then battles the Elite Four member, with having an Alolan Graveler, a Stunfisk, and a Magnemite, in that order. It doesn't matter if the Gym Challenger beats the Elite Four member, due to how the Gym Challenger gets TM068 (at the time) Thunder Punch. Once she goes back to the region's Victory Road, and the Trainer gets to meet the Elite Four Member. The Elite Four Member havs a Stunfisk, Alolan Golem, Togedemaru, Eelektross, & Magnezone, in that order. Once you manage to become a champion, the Elite Four Member can be rematched as the Frontier Brain in a Battle Facility diagonal of Victory road.
How would this Battle Facility work? It would possibly work as a roguelike. In this one, the Pokemon by the base floor, including the Trainers, with 10 Poke-balls at hand, are forced to start at level 5. Some rooms contain patches of grass, with lighting being used to tell what type each patch of grass holds. There is at least one trainer that you'll need to fight, and one elite trainer that blocks a miniature elevator to the next floor. Once you go to another floor, the level of the Pokemon in the area goes up by 1. There are also special rooms that have nurses, and Poke-ball-like chests that somehow stores items. Perhaps it could also be an Electrode! In rare cases, there could also be rare Pokemon hiding in special, Indigo patches of grass.
Once you make it to the 50th floor, the Trainer battles the Elite Four Member, now the Frontier Brain. The Frontier Brain has an Electivire, a Noviern, & a Quagsire. If you beat the Frontier Brain, you'll get the Silver Valor Symbol.
Once you make it to the 100th floor, the Trainer battles the Frontier Brain for what is technically the second time in the Battle Frontier. The Frontier Brain has a Zeraora, a Quaquaval, and an Archaludon. Once you beat the Frontier Brain, you'll get the Gold Valor Symbol.
I hope that this goes through. If not, I hope to find a way to know what needs to be changed.
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My team would be a bunch of Electric type Pokemon that know Signal Beam. It would be a highly tailored event for only the richest Trainers in the region, so you would need either to have made a lot of connections before challenging my Gym or pay my valet, I would arrive in a built Revavroom if you pay the fee.
My Gym's gaming challenge would be one of your Electivire will be Poisoned and if it dies, you lose the battle,
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Gym Challenge
You know happy points in chibi robo?
that's my puzzle collecting points by doing quests for other people but you have a clock and the quicker you do it the weaker your opponent afterwards
Johto Raichu, Jolteon, Lanturn, Magneton, Amphaross
Galar Vikavolt, Galvantula, Lanturn, Heliolisk, GMAX Toxictrictiy
DLC Lanturn, Heliolisk, Emolga, Luxray, GMAX Toxictricty