What is your highest Pokemon achievement?

It could be getting a shiny Pokemon you always wanted or completing the Pokedex, so what is it?
I already completed the Pokedex, so I'll go for the Shiny Pokemon
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50+ shinies while casually playing Pokemon Go (including two Chansey within a minute last Sunday)
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Having over half the mainline games.
In-game though, it's probably doing all the wierd sidequests, like catching all Unown, or finishing every Pokéstar Studios movie, or getting a score above 90,000 in Mantine Surfing, or getting max Style Points in Lumiose City, or getting medals on all Super Training balloons using one Pokémon (which actually gets that Pokémon a ribbon if you talk to a specific NPC in Lumiose).
It's sad that I can't think of a version of these things on the Switch other than BDSP contests. The newer fans won't ever experience the joy of doing things like these.
They made the world feel a lot more real in my opinion, I hope we get something more than BP quests and cooking next time (I enjoyed these things a lot regardless but I still think the previous ones, like Mantine Surfing, were better).
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Beating Shield without ever once having all my pokemon be knocked out.
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Getting nearly every pokemon from gen 1-5 through trades and putting them in sorted in national pokedex number in ultra sun's box's. It also is the first pokemon game where I had completed the pokedex and received the shiny charm. And I got the most expensive clothing set in the game, the Kommo-o outfit, which cost a total of 2,400,000.
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Beating Sygna Suit Red and becoming PML champion in Masters EX.
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I got Pokerus in two Unova playthroughs. I also got two shiny Pokemon in a single Alpha Sapphire savefile (one of which was a Gardevoir, one of the shinies I dreamt of having). After that, I caught loads of Shiny Pokemon in GO. (While my brother found one after playing for 4 months, I found a handful after 2 months of play.)
But I feel kinda jealous over my brother's greatest achievement: encountering a shiny Dhelmise (with square sparkles) via an overworld encounter!