What was your first play through team?

Mine was Chesnaught, Charizard Y, Raichu, Talonflame, Lucario and Slowbro in Pokémon Y.
Do you mean first team in the first game we played?
I don't quite recall my Red team, but I do remember that it was published in the UK Nintendo Official Magazine after they asked people to send them in for some reason during the height of Pokémania. My friend kept a copy of it.
It was probably selected for publication because my team was uniquely bad. I kept my starter Blastoise, but I also had Parasect and I think Kabutops. I don't know why I chose them, I was a primary schooler.
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I can't remember my first team that I defeated a champion with, but I remember my Whiscash soloing Leon's Charizard in my first play through.
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I can't remember all of mine, I remember Meowscarada, Garchomp, and Tinkaton tho
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It was in pokemon Y and I know it had Charizard, Greninja, and Yveltal. I check later to see what the rest were.
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Your team is very weak to Rock type and although you have a lot of shared resistances you don't really have any strong standouts that can withstand powerful Psychic moves for example. Yes, you resist Steel on 5 pokemon but it's often accompanied with other strong, powerful Types.
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I was like 7 I didn’t know what I was doing
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I didn't really understand the concept of a team as a little kid, I would just switch my mons out randomly depending on who I thought looked the coolest - so my first ever hall of fame entry in 2008 was Empoleon, Golduck, Palkia, Roserade, Crobat, and Gardevoir. I remember thinking the game was super hard, but it was probably because I chose to use three Water types for literally no reason lol
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People will make fun of me, but the first Pokemon game I played was lets go eevee, and I had:
Eevee (obviously)
-Iron tail
-Glitzy Glow
-Baddy bad
-Bouncy bubble
-Solar beam
-Dragon tail
-Power whip
-Mirror coat
-Ice beam
-Take down
-Rock slide
Alolan persian
-Pay day
-Nasty plot
-Iron tail
And Gyrados
-Dragon pulse.
Aerodactyl and Gyarados were holding a mega stone.