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What was your first play through team?

Mine was Chesnaught, Charizard Y, Raichu, Talonflame, Lucario and Slowbro in Pokémon Y.


  • TheJeffers
    TheJeffers Member Posts: 1,660 ✭✭✭✭✭
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    Do you mean first team in the first game we played?

    I don't quite recall my Red team, but I do remember that it was published in the UK Nintendo Official Magazine after they asked people to send them in for some reason during the height of Pokémania. My friend kept a copy of it.

    It was probably selected for publication because my team was uniquely bad. I kept my starter Blastoise, but I also had Parasect and I think Kabutops. I don't know why I chose them, I was a primary schooler.

  • OlderAngel11
    OlderAngel11 Member Posts: 1,813 ✭✭✭✭✭
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    I can't remember my first team that I defeated a champion with, but I remember my Whiscash soloing Leon's Charizard in my first play through.

  • Ravenclawed1234
    Ravenclawed1234 Member Posts: 863 ✭✭✭✭
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    I can't remember all of mine, I remember Meowscarada, Garchomp, and Tinkaton tho

  • AndTom
    AndTom Member Posts: 74 ✭✭
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    My first game was pla and my team was: an alpha graveller

  • Michael629303
    Michael629303 Member Posts: 1,013 ✭✭✭✭
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    It was in pokemon Y and I know it had Charizard, Greninja, and Yveltal. I check later to see what the rest were.

  • RusselX
    RusselX Member Posts: 35
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    Your team is very weak to Rock type and although you have a lot of shared resistances you don't really have any strong standouts that can withstand powerful Psychic moves for example. Yes, you resist Steel on 5 pokemon but it's often accompanied with other strong, powerful Types.

  • PikaPikaMJ2019
    PikaPikaMJ2019 Member Posts: 6
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    I was like 7 I didn’t know what I was doing

  • pikayou
    pikayou Member Posts: 78 ✭✭✭
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    I didn't really understand the concept of a team as a little kid, I would just switch my mons out randomly depending on who I thought looked the coolest - so my first ever hall of fame entry in 2008 was Empoleon, Golduck, Palkia, Roserade, Crobat, and Gardevoir. I remember thinking the game was super hard, but it was probably because I chose to use three Water types for literally no reason lol

  • Creativename877
    Creativename877 Member Posts: 6
    First Comment Photogenic

    People will make fun of me, but the first Pokemon game I played was lets go eevee, and I had:

    Eevee (obviously)

    -Iron tail

    -Glitzy Glow

    -Baddy bad

    -Bouncy bubble


    -Solar beam


    -Dragon tail

    -Power whip


    -Mirror coat

    -Ice beam






    -Take down

    -Rock slide

    Alolan persian


    -Pay day

    -Nasty plot

    -Iron tail

    And Gyrados




    -Dragon pulse.

    Aerodactyl and Gyarados were holding a mega stone.