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Stuck with Archeops ability

Since update, i had twice the same bug with Archeops ability : not being able to attach the energy and being stuck in a state where the only solution was conceed and then loose points in ranked mode :( very frustrating when you are in a good position to Win and your daily quest is attaching 9 energy !


  • MathieuJ75
    MathieuJ75 Member Posts: 9
    First Comment

    Little addition : playing on Android smartphone if that matters

  • ImposterElliot
    ImposterElliot Member Posts: 3
    First Comment

    I am playing on iPhone and experience the same issue with this new update. When using Archeops ability, energy cards disappear and I’m left with no option but to wait for my turn to time-out. It seems like the developers are more concerned with dazzling graphics at the sacrifice of general functionality. Game is unplayable.