Thoughts on what could be be announced this Pokémon day?

With Pokémon day 2024 approaching, there's quite a lot of speculation about what could be shown off/revealed in this years direct. For me, I think that we COULD get something related to Unova as there have been a lot of things related to the region in recent content (Blueberry Academy is in the Unovan sea, members of the BB Elite four are from cities in Unova, Wild battle theme for Indigo Disk has hints of BW's wild battle theme, etc).
Personally, I don't think we'll get a remake of the Black and White games as: 1. It's only been 2 (and a bit) years since BDSP released. We usually get remakes every 4-7 years so it's probably too early to get remakes, and 2. Black and White are the first games to get proper sequels (not a third version) so it throws a bit of a spanner in the works as it could mess up the flow of how Game Freak produce Remakes.
There's also been rumours that we could get new Johto content as the 25th Anniversary of the original Gold and Silver games is happening this year, so a Gold and silver remake for the switch is a very real possibility.
I also think we might get a new way to watch the Anime on the Switch as Pokémon TV is soon to shutdown so it's possible that pokemon company are giving us a new and improved way to stream the Anime.
If you have any ideas on what could be announced this year, feel free to share them in the comments!
I hope there a new legends game.
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Maybe a pair of games (one for Johto and one for Unova).
But there may still be nothing for Furfrou. It's dying for a Switch debut, but I'll have to bet on negative odds to pray for such a return.
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There have been way too many Unova hints in the Switch games.
Way too many Regional Forms (Darumaka, Stunfisk, Yamask, Zorua, Braviary, Lilligant, Samurott)
Literally going to Unova this time (and it has kids of characters we know and remixes of themes we love, and is at least over 10 years after BW2 which may mean it's a small preview of what BW3 could be like)
The Future Paradox Swords of Justice and Past Paradox Legendary Beasts might be a hint for something with all the Legends Johto and BW3 theories, since they specifically chose those two groups to specifically be future or past mons that "coincidentally" match people's expectations of what we'll next see their regions in.
Ingo, a character from Unova, got sent to the past for Legends Arceus, which could make an interesting story or sidequest for next time we visit Nimbasa and see Emmet.
And probably some stuff I missed. It could be that some of the stuff here could be to slowly replace BW3 or BW remakes and not do them due to the sheer amount of Unova content but I hope not.
I just hope that if BW gets a remake instead of sequel it isn't chibi like BDSP because the story in BW is a little too dark for that. I don't care about the other things, if it's a remake instead of a sequel I just want them to not change the story and to give character normal sizes in the overworld instead of chibi like BDSP.
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I want to see Black 3 and White 3, as well as some announcements for the expansion after Temporal Forces.
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I'm betting more on a game in Johto, maybe a Pokémon Legends in Johto of the past, and a game in Unova of the Future, I think a Pokémon Legends game in the Johto of the past would be incredible, for us to finally discover the origin of the legendary beasts and also who were the Pokémon that were swallowed by the flame of Tower, Unova, I think a new game is really necessary just to at least introduce us to the original dragon Pokémon a presentation of the original dragon Pokémon would be amazing, I wanted to know what it was like at least, I also bet on a new Pokémon Spin-off, or a new PokéPark, or a Pokémon Mystery Dungeon or some other, We may also have a new way to watch all Pokémon animations now with the end of Pokémon TV
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Let's what what they have to say. However, Best that we don't have dataminers and leakers ruining the surprise. As for any more remakes let alone going back to bdsp, characters normal size in overworld and not chibi and not too much of an open world gameplay like legends arceus and scarlet violet presented.
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Let's see what they have to say. However, Best that we don't have dataminers and leakers ruining the surprise. As for any more remakes let alone going back to bdsp, characters normal size in overworld and not chibi and not too much of an open world gameplay.
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Hold on, what? Where's your proof?