What is better Mario or Pokémon?

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I wonder if this forum could potentially have a slight hint of bias in favour of one of these games over the other.
Personally I never cared for the Mario games. I liked Mario 64 and respect it for the developments it made in the field of 3D game design, but otherwise it has been the spin-off games in the series that grabbed me more than the main series platormers.
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Pokemon when I'm playing alone (as in most of the time) but when I'm play with other people Mario since they have great multi-player games.
If we're talking about video games only then Mario, but if we get into every aspect of Pokemon, the TCG wins it for me.
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You're asking this on a Pokémon forum?
Anyway, I think Mario games are fun, especially if you have friends or family with you, but Pokémon is better.
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yeah i was just curious
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This is a Pokémon forum! Obviously Pokemon! (Little question for @Pokemaster9293 : Did you make Pokemon DB? If so, thanks! I love it and use it all the time!)
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Sure Mario has some great games, but I usually play single player. My favourite Mario Characters are Boo and Dry Bones, which are who I usually pick.