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Archeops Primal Turbo Bug



  • DiscontentCat
    DiscontentCat Member Posts: 1
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    Same here. It doesn't always happen thankfully, but it happens more than not. And this only started after the 12-6-22 update like Uris20 said

  • mattheha461458
    mattheha461458 Member Posts: 8
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    Yep, same issue with Bronzong’s Metal Transfer. It is hard to enjoy a game when the update has more bugs than what was fixed.

  • _meatpaste_
    _meatpaste_ Member Posts: 10
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    +1 happens on iPad Air 3, works fine on the desktop version

  • pHluid13
    pHluid13 Member Posts: 5
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    they need to roll back the update until these things are fixed. This is practically an unusable beta release.

  • TechHog
    TechHog Member Posts: 2,758 ✭✭✭✭
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    My guess is that they changed the animation for energy acceleration, but didn't get to test it because the devs don't play the game and we're playing theme deck-level decks without acceleration when internally testing the update.

    Either way, this is the last straw. These devs can't handle this project. They need to roll it back, start working on a way to migrate back to PTCGO, and go back to making basic apps. If TPCi wants a better app or mobile, pay Dire Wolf to do it instead of being cheap.

  • Cooltrainer
    Cooltrainer Member Posts: 1
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    I'm also having the same issue. Sometimes the energy card glitches behind my hand during the select Pokemon to attach it to part. When it does this I can pick it up, but I can't place it anywhere, then timeout and it auto-selects active Pokemon for the energy. This has also made the rest of the match buggy for me with things like the "End Turn" button being just gone along with the prize card counter on the same side. Also sometimes it will leave the Archeops out in the same position for my opponent's turn.

  • Geek0rama
    Geek0rama Member Posts: 2
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    I’ve gotten the same issue since updating on Dec 6th. I’ve been unable to control any energy moving strategy. Totally railroaded my play at the current point.

  • Geek0rama
    Geek0rama Member Posts: 2
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    I’ve gotten the same issue since updating on Dec 6th. I’ve been unable to control any energy moving strategy. Totally railroaded my play at the current point

  • Infernomaker1
    Infernomaker1 Member Posts: 64 ✭✭
    25 Agrees 5 Likes 10 Comments

    Yup, same issues with lots of different abilities with energy attachment. Makes the game freeze and unplayable from there. This needs to be fixed asap. Hope they see this and make the updates.

  • mpumfrett
    mpumfrett Member Posts: 2
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    Yep same thing happening here!