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Blissy V card and discard pile issue

3 games in a row with my deck that has Blissy V, the attack that allows you to put energy from discard pile to the pokemon, every time I attack with it, it hangs up on the attach energy part and my discard pile completely disappears from the board and my attack is constantly 0 after that on that card, even with 1 energy still attached


  • Godphilla84
    Godphilla84 Member Posts: 1
    First Comment First Anniversary

    Just had a similar bug where I used indeedee to add a basic energy to my blissey V. Wouldn't let me add the energy and hung for around 20 seconds then swapped turns to opponent. No sign of the basic energy on Blissey.

  • Goathic
    Goathic Member Posts: 2
    First Comment

    Happened to me as well in 2 games while playing my Blissey V deck this evening.