Generation 9 Pokemon

OK, for this generation I have to say I was unimpressed. There were lots of mediocre pokemon imo. but there were a few great ones that came out. Some of my favorites from this gen include raging bolt, garganacl, hydrapple, ting-lu, chien-pao, orthworm, iron thorns, iron bundle, walking wake, rabasca, sandy shocks, meowscarada, tatsugiri, and skeledirge.
What do you think about this gen?
This will be the last post in the generation pokemon series. If anyone has an idea for what the next series should be, feel free to suggest an idea.
This Gen underdelivered on how they revealed Pokemon. I mean, cool, unique videos are cool, but I liked the style of the Gen 8 reveal videos, where basically they just showed us the Pokemon with cool music in the background, and they revealed multiple in one video.
Other than that, the Gen is a solid 6.5/10. Not bad, but not that exciting.