What is Your Favorite Fairy Type Pokemon?

What is your favorite fairy type? One of my favorites is Tinkatink.
Some of my favorites are Gardevoir, Zacian, Azumarill and Hatterene.
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I have some favorites.
Tinkaton for not only her typing but because she has the ability Mold Breaker,
Azumarill because it is well designed, as it is not only a Water rabbit, but the polka dots on them bears reminiscent of the pokedex entry showcasing that they use the patterns on their belly to camouflage to avoid predators.
I also like Zacian and Mawile for their typing as well.
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Probably Sylveon.
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All the tapus, magearna, clefable line, florges line, mimikyu, ribombee, azularill, diancie, primarina, and dachsbun.
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My favorites are Tapu Koko and Azumarill because I Tapu Koko is awesome to me, and Azumarill is a tank in PoGo
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Wigglytuff, obviously.