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Please adjust the reward mechanism to solve concede griefing

In the last week, i've only been able to complete 3 matches where i was winning because my opponent concedes right as i'm about to collect the final prize cards, or right before the final attach, thereby reducing the game pass reward points earned and drastically extending the number of matches needed to rank up.

I can't find any details on, and have not figured out through observation yet what the actual formula for points assignment, but I would like to suggest that your points go to max when your opponent concedes during a final turn.

For instance, make it so that concede operations process at the end of a turn after any damage is delt and reward cards taken. This could even be transparent to the conceding party. Just let them drop out of the match immediately while the final turn is played out.

Or just change it so what ever the max allotment would be is awarded when they concede, This would benefit both parties as there would be no consequence to conceding, and the winner cannot be penalized by the opponent.


  • TyreckSwiftwind
    TyreckSwiftwind Member Posts: 7
    First Comment

    Prime example of this extremely frustrating behavior.

    I just had a match where i knocked out a Mew VMAX and the opponent conceded while i was selecting prize cards, where i would have gotten game pass points for 5 cards had they conceded at the start of their next turn, instead i only got rewards for having 2 taken.

  • OlderAngel11
    OlderAngel11 Member Posts: 1,813 ✭✭✭✭✭
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    I somewhat agree with this. I agree that it's super annoying to have my opponent concede as I'm taking my final prizes and it's even led me to try and take all prizes as fast as I can so my opponent can't concede before I win. This isn't how pokemon should be. I try not to do this because I'd like to reward my opponent for playing a good game, but sometimes they are obnoxious about it. Once I could see that I lost, I just passed the turn to my opponent so he could draw, attack, and win. But instead of doing those actions immediately, he goofed around and played EVERY CARD IN HIS HAND. I'm not sure if he was just too stupid to see the win condition or if he was trying to annoy me, but I was not sticking around to watch him rub the victory in my face, so I just conceded.

  • AidyJames
    AidyJames Member Posts: 1
    First Comment

    I had no idea that this was a thing - totally bizarre.

    At least I know about this going forward, but I feel terrible about the couple of times I’ve conceded to an opponent having the win on board!