Kirlia SIT 68 refinement ability bug

I was able to use Kirla's refinement ability when I had no cards in the deck. I wanted to discard a card before using energy recycle but after using it I couldn't do anything and timed out.
I tested it in deck test VS AI but there I was not able to use refinement ability when I had no cards in the deck.
[Edited by Mod_Ice: Please be aware that posting images on the forum is not allowed.]
you are not allowed to use the ability Refinement without cards in deck
The reason is because you cannot use a card or ability that does nothing.
Kirlia reads "You must discard a card from your hand in order to use this Ability. Once during your turn, you may draw 2 cards." the only "effect" is drawing 2 cards
If it was something like "trade" from the old zoroark GX, which reads "Once during your turn (before your attack), you may discard a card from your hand. If you do, draw 2 cards." You would be able to use the ability, because in this case the discard part of the text is an effect, and not a requirement, which means your ability is accomplishing part of the effect (resolving the effect of discarding a card), while refinement cannot accomplish its only effect (drawing 2 cards)
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@Edurandomnumber That is true, but that is the bug. I "was able to use" Kirlia's refinement ability when I had no cards in the deck. The expected behavior was not being able to use it.
After hitting ablity button, kirlia came up to the card select position but I was not able to select any cards, so my turn ended without being able to do anything after that.
I'm not sure if this bug is specific to Kirlia or not, maybe I used the ability just when opponent's turn ended, before drawing card animation. or maybe Kirlia was selected before opponents turn ended, or maybe it was server desync, I don't know.