Favorite Dark Type Pokemon

What is your favorite dark type Pokemon? Mine is Zarude. I wish I had remembered to catch one during the Sword and Shield events.
Poocheyena! It is one of my favorite pokemon in general and also it's a super cute puppy.
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My favorite Dark types are cacturne, darkrai, sableye, crawdaunt, hoopa unbound (In main games not for using in pokemon unite. I am the worst at using it.), pangoro, ting-lu, yveltal, greninja, hydreigon, and incineroar.
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Zoroark.....Mightyena....Alolan Muk....Darkrai.....Hisuian Samurott....Pangoro....Geninja....Malamar...Umbreon.....and Absol
of that list, Absol is my absolute (no pun intended) favorite dark type
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I really love Zorua, Tyranitar, Murkrow, Roaring Moon. I like their evolutions too (for Zorua and Murkrow) but to pick a favorite it would have to be Tyranitar
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The Zorua line, followed by Absol.
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My bbc
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@Hvuyryuyvi who’s that?
Also my favourite dark type is Hydreigon because it’s so sweet
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My favorite dark type is Mightyena because of 2 things. Team Sky, and it's the only non-fire/water pokemon on the evil teams in Hoenn