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Opponents cards not displaying when revealed

I just quit a game in Live because all I was able to see was the back of my opponents cards. The only time I could read anything was if I clicked on the card. Text would appear on the Active, but the back of the card still was displayed. I was not able to see any of the cards my opponents played, nor drew.

Also, we both had mulligans and the mulligans were never displayed.

Just wanted to report it was a very frustrating game.😵


  • TechHog
    TechHog Member Posts: 2,901 ✭✭✭✭✭
    2500 Comments 500 Agrees 250 LOLs 250 Likes
    edited December 2022 #2

    The mulligan thing is a result of the devs not knowing the rules of the game, sadly

    The other part is a streaming issue. It might be a bad connection, but really they need to add an option to download the card images locally.