Feedback: Ranked Ladder Revamp

The current "Ranked Ladder" needs a revamp from it's current state.
The +20/-20 point system is brutal past Great Ball tier (600 Tier). I need to maintain a constant win to loss ratio otherwise I am either hard stuck or I am constantly going backwards. Master Ball's highest tier is 2660 points. That's 2000+ points. In a perfect world that is 100 wins going undefeated. If I am struggling and feeling the grind at 600 something is wrong. The progression of ranked is long, tedious, and not fulfilling.
Defeating or losing to players that are higher rated should give more points if you win and lose less points if defeated. In the included screenshot: I, Great Ball Tier ( 720 Points), was matched against someone who is Master Ball Tier (2260 Points). I understand it comes down to keeping matchmaking times lower, but at a bare minimum please make it less punishing.
I managed to defeat this player and got +20 points. By comparing rank, this player "should be" better than me and I would expect to be more rewarded if I managed to defeat them. Yet I still get the +20 points I could have gotten from beating someone of an equal or lower rank.
I will give credit that I really like the rewards on the ladder. I really like the unique coin, deck box, and sleeves 👍️. My issue is that getting these rewards feel like an impossible feat. The difficulty leaves me with a feeling a "FOMO" that I will NEVER be able to get them. It feels as if I have to play this game all day every day and manage a huge win-to-loss ratio. This makes me not even want to rank up because the time spent would be in vain.
Please note this post is also written looking past the game state breaking bugs and issues. From personal experience, it feels as if there are less than previous, but they still occur. (I am occasionally unable to select game defining cards with Colress.) When these happen in ranked matches it really hurts and makes me reconsider even trying the ladder two fold.
Hello, Trainer,
Thank you for your feedback! Please let us know if you have any other suggestions.
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Totally agree! My partner and I play each other in 'friendly' games and I beat him with my deck 9/10 but when I get to ranked games, I seriously struggle to even get 2 wins in a row which leaves me really defeated. He plays and storms through to 600 and then can't make it above 640. He's getting increasingly frustrated and doesn't even want to play anymore. We both played casual to reach tier 50 on the battle pass and figure we (particularly him) have nothing to lose going back to ranked now. We were hoping better cards from the battle pass would help us but nothing so far!
I'm wondering if it's my deck but then, like I said, I destroy him (almost) every time in the friendly games we play.
Frustrating is an understatement but it needs to be adjusted soon or Pokémon TCG will lose another 2 players!
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Can you confirm if anything is going to happen based on this? I have another 6 weeks left of the battle pass so only opportunity for new cards is to buy them and then it takes ages to save back up.
I notice this was posted 15 July. It's now 5 months later and people are still having the same issues.