Your opinion: Best starter

In your opinion, what is the best starter?
Bulbasaur, Squirtle, Charmander, Cyndiquill, Chickorita, Totodile, Treeco, Torchick, Mudkip, Turtwig, Piplup, Tepig, Snivt, Oshawot, Fenikin, hespin, Froakie, Litten, Rowlet, Poplio, Grookie, Scorbunny, Sobble, Sprigatito, Quaxly, and Fuecoco.
My personal Favorite is Fenekin or Turtwig.
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Charmander like red
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Just looking at the starter form it would be turtwig, totodile, poplio, and sobble.
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Litten is 2nd place.
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Selecting the "best" starter Pokémon is often subjective and can depend on personal preferences and gameplay style. Each starter possesses unique traits and abilities. Some trainers favor Charmander for its fiery attributes, others prefer Squirtle for its water abilities, while others may opt for Bulbasaur due to its balanced nature. Ultimately, the choice comes down to your affinity towards specific elemental types or the Pokémon's appearance and characteristics that resonate most with you during your gameplay journey.
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I think Bulbasaur is the cutest. Totodile and Sprigatito are also very high on the list for me.
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Best is Mudkip, my 1st starter
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First of all, In my Opinion, Fennekin, All water starters (almost) and Snivy, also Turtwig are my faves.
The WORST Starter (in my opinion) is Totodile. Because one of the battles with... Y'know.
The ~BEST~ Starter (in my opinion) is Mudkip, Sobble and Fennekin! Because of the design!
Mudkip (Muddery) is my ACTUAL 1st Starter.