The new trailer for the Indigo Disk

The trailer does contain some spoilers and there's only a week left until the DLC releases, so you can just ignore it if you don't want small spoilers about what happens after (not during) the Teal Mask
Spoiler Alert again
The someplace existing below Sada/Turo's lab theory has been confirmed! Also I think Kieran's new design looks really cool. Much more intimidating and powerful looking than his previous design where he hid himself and his face behind his hair, making him look shy or weak. I hope they don't ruin Carmine though since all we saw her do in the Trailer was look worried and I don't want them to delete her personality.
And MOST IMPORTANTLY, Nebby (the best name for Cosmog. I just can't use any other name, I grew up with SM.) RETURNS! Hasn't been shown, but there's no way Nebby doesn't appear in the DLC, as we saw Solgaleo/Lunala in the trailer. I will not stop complaining if I don't find Nebby. If a random old lady in the Crown Tundra can give me Nebby, then a teacher or high ranked person in the Indigo Disk can too. Please.
Also, Briar is definitely going to be the cause for the main problem or final fight in the story. She just looks so insane and evil in the official art with the crystals while even Kieran looks shocked or afraid.
She's probably going to be the person who introduces us to the bottom of Area Zero or revive/awaken Terapogos.
Also, did you know that purple is a colour commonly associated with both royalty and evil? It's related to this enough since Kieran's hair is more purple now. And also Briar wears a lot of purple and red, which I know is because it's the colours in the game's name and the school, but it makes her look even more evil.
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maybe it's me but I just can't get invested in Kieran or Carmine. I kinda wanted to punch everyone in Kitakami for being dinguses, but especially that specific family. Carmine is openly and actively abusive, Kieran is far too obsessive on something that, for all he knows, is a fairy tale, and the grandparents have hid the truth from the town for generations Because Reasons. It was a really bad story, especially after the genuinely good story of the main game, and I REALLY don't like that we're forced to focus the story on these characters and not the ones we spent the whole main game getting to know (were Arven, Penny, or Nemona even in the trailer at all?)