Pokemon that are long overdue for an evolution/pre-evolution

After Seeing the galarian Farfetch'd got itself an evolution, Which pokemon do you think is long overdue for an evolution. My case, Maractus is long overdue to an evolution that would symbolizes its passion for Dancing and Music, especially at the sound a maracas rattling even more.
I think an evolution for Unown that gives us more lore would be cool. Also, even though it already has a pre-evolution, something about Sunflora just feels incomplete.
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I would say a Maractus evolution would be rather interesting, might also give Ludicolo quite a rival when it comes to dancing and music. I'm also curious what would a pre-evolution of Lapras' would look like too.
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Smeargle, I feel like it should evolve.
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A pre-evolution of kangaskhan of when it was young. Delibird looks incomplete. lunestone and solrock, don't know what it would be, but they deserve it. Carnivine that evolve into something that has more heads. A pre-evolution calf version of bouffalant. An evolution of carbinks. Maybe an evolution of dhelmise.
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@Michael629303 we should also give sneasel a Pre-evolution, as well as Skarmory and Turtonator.
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I could see lunatone and solrock as branching evos from a pre-evolution like the hitmons
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I think it would be cool to see a regional poochieyena evolution
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@Acornyo Maybe it's high time that Remoraid has a branch evolution.