General feedback

Overall TCG Live is better than I was expecting. It still has room for improvement and am hoping a good few things get addressed before full launch.
- Crafting. I really enjoy not having to buy codes secondhand in the hopes of possibly pulling the one VMAX or VStar I need. This feature is great.
- Some features streamlined, such as using Radiant Greninja's Concealed Cards ability. If I have two grass energy it was previously pointless to choose which one to discard, so I enjoy that it does it automatically. Similarly with Rare Candy. I enjoy that evolves immediately instead of choosing the pokemon to evolve from my hand and my bench.
- There really needs to be a way to view all of your owned cards without going into a deck builder. Sometimes I just want to see what I have to see if a deck is possible or just because I want to learn more. A general Library section would be beneficial.
- Trekking Shoes: there's really no reason to confirm that a card has been drawn and then make a choice to take it or pass. It can go straight to the take it or pass option.
- I greatly miss the tournament mode. This was a very fun way to up the competitive stakes and earn booster packs. Just having ranked or casual at this stage feels lacking.
- The holo graphics and some card graphics are surprisingly low resolution or low quality. This needs to be remedied before full launch.
- Within deck builder, it's not immediately clear how to view all versions of a card that you have through the "Available" button. I initially purchased a few cards I didn't need to because I thought my data was corrupted in the migration because I was not able to view a Professor's Research beyond the common Juniper version. I understand now but feel that this could be more clear.
- It would be great to have slightly more impactful animations for large amounts of damage or knockouts. PTCGO took things a little far at times and would sometimes hurt my eyes when tacking on a lot of damage counters (such as with Orbeetle's Eerie Beam ability), but attacks worth a lot of damage feel so much less satisfying now.
- Theme decks are also missed. This was a great way to mix up the formula a bit and play in a fun restricted format.
Overall the app is on its way and better than I was expecting, but it can still be improved greatly on the way to launch.
The game is fun, but the fact that you guys give player preach strong decks ind blows, all I do is encounter players using the Lugia deck, or blessey deck. Over and over again it’s frustrating too try to play competitive.. the old TCG felt better because At lest I Encountered different built decks. Not the same one over me over again.
some cards are bugged right now too or if the game loads wrong my active cannot switch thus it’s like having two active Pokémon. Honestly joy TCG but it’s want to feel like every battle going to be different not the same deck. I get it if I was up high In rank but am not. And also sometimes a, facing players with way higher ranks points then my on.
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Remembered two more pieces of feedback:
- having the actual damage for attacks listed to account for increases and decreases on damage as opposed to doing mental math is GREAT.
- it'd be great to have the game log again. Similar to the above, it would help reference how much damage I can expect on this turn.
This feedback comes specifically because of Lugia and Double Turbo, Powerful, and V-Guard energy boosting attacks up and down.
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I appreciate there are lots of feedback already, mostly I agree with it all, I hope pokemon are listening and will act. Its already a pretty good platform and not to underestimate how hard it must be to program all the complex features of the pokemon game 99% of which are working pretty seamlessly. This is the main thing for me. as it already was online.
Id really like to see a way for competitive play through the live to up the stakes in a tournament that might actually get some recognition, like an online worlds or games that will give you points towards competing at worlds rather than just online packs as it used to be. at the moment it seems just like a system to test decks for 'real life play'
Other than this I would agree with the comments others made about extra unnecessary clicks, opponents active being upside down, I don't think the appearance and experience of the gameplay is as good as online was.
But the way you acquire cards seems better, being able to play on phone is a very nice feature, all in all, pros and cons but nothing too major for me yet. I hope they keep going and develop it further!