If there is a new Pokémon legends game what do you think it should be?

I want you all to make a new idea for a Pokémon legends game in the comments. I would love to see them.
Legends of Jirachi! I don't really have any ideas for the game, but I think Jirachi is cool.
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Legends: Zygarde or Legends: Floette because Kalos deserves more attention. It didn't get a 3rd/upgraded version, a sequel, or DLC.
It could be about the war around 3000 years before modern XY.
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I could see it being something about the original Unova dragon since Gen 5 is next in line for remakes
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Pokémon Legends: Celebi, I think it's an incredible idea, the starting Pokémon option could be Grookey, Fennekin and Squirtle, this starting option is great, if it were that option, I would choose Fennekin, and also, in the game I could explore the bronze tower before the fire, in addition to the construction of the Sinjou ruins, and more, being able to travel in the past with Celebi, and meet the old forms of Entei, Suicune and Raikou before the tower fire, and another example of Pokémon Legends, would be Pokémon Legends: Keldeo, than the starters, it would be cool if they were Bulbasaur, Torchic and Piplup, and Pokémon Legends in Unova could introduce us to Unova's Original Dragon Pokémon, You could also introduce us to Unova's past, it would be incredible, and from the initial ones I mentioned, choose Bulbasaur
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I think a Legends: Deoxys would be cool.
The story could be about Deoxys landing and being worshipped by the people there. But the region was decided because each group thought the "God" was different than how the other group thought it was. Really, different groups just saw Deoxys in a different one of it's forms.
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Maybe a Legends: Diancie or Hoopa after the Legends: Kyurem game (gen 5 remakes)
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Pokemon Legends Hoopa to go over its imprisonment.
Pokemon Legends Magearna to be in the ancient kingdom that made it.
Pokemon Legends Necrozma for the age of darkness and how solgaleo, lunala, and tapus came to be.
Pokemon Legends regigigas when it made the regi's and pulled the continents maybe.
Pokemon Legends calyrex about when the pokemon reigned galar and what happened.
and maybe a game that takes place when ghost pokemon were living like dreepy or one that gives backstory to pokemon like golurk
Another thing that would be cool would be if they made a game based of Egypt, Rome and Greece. legends version or not.
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There should be a Pokemon legends Eternatus. It could show more about the legend and what the Pokemon in turfield is. It could also show a lot of backstory behind how eternatus came to Galar. It would be very interesting.
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ALSO GAME FREAK NEVER GAVE US AZ'S ETERNAL FLOETTE DESPITE THE THING BEING IN XY AND USUM'S CODE. It even had a unique Pokédex entry in USUM. It's so cool and is another reason we need Legends: Kalos (or Legends: Floette, or Legends: Zygarde, whatever it could be called. Just please give us the ancient Floette).