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Report Bug Timer

The timer ends and freezes the match.

After that, I have to close the game and lose points in ranked mode.

Bug exploit by some players.


  • SaltyTreeHog
    SaltyTreeHog Member Posts: 4
    First Comment

    I'm currently sitting in a match with 11mins left on my opponent's timer and mine is 23:25. He's still spamming me with emotes after it freezing/locking on his turn.

  • SaltyTreeHog
    SaltyTreeHog Member Posts: 4
    First Comment

    Still sitting in the same match with the timer on 00:00 for my opponent and 23:25 for me. I have screenshots but don't seem to have the permission to attach them here. Who the heck can I speak to in order to get my TIME and my ELO compensated for this BUG? Fuming.