Protagonist Canon Teams / Forced Captures

Many of the Pokémon mainline games have forced captures in order to progress the story, such as the cover legendary. Or others force a gift on you.
Given that, we can consider those as canonical members of that protagonist's team. Can we together create a list of these canonical members of teams for every generation's protagonist?
Red (Gen 1) is already done for us, though, since he repeatedly appears as an NPC with this team: Pikachu, Charizard, Venusaur, Blastoise, Snorlax, Lapras.
Where Pikachu is his starter, Charizard / Venusaur / Blastoise are all gifts in Pokémon Yellow, Lapras is a gift from the Silph Co. guy, and Snorlax is an in-game event.
I like to imagine the BW2 protagonist having a full team of nothing but N's Pokémon but that's probably never going to be canon.
Anyway XY has Delphox/Greninja, Venusaur/Charizard, Mega Lucario, Lapras, (maybe) Rypherior (evolves from Ryhorn and the mother is a Ryhorn racer) or Snorlax, and Zygarde.
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Gold/Silver has starter, Sudowoodo, Eevee, Shiny Gyarados and the Legendary
I guess you could add one of the legendary beasts depending on starter/legendary types
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So here's a point to clarify: When it comes to things like Sudowoodo, the player didn't have to catch it; they could choose to KO it instead, so it wouldn't be a forced capture.
Compare to something like Nebby in Gen 7 where you MUST have it.
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Sword and Shield has Kubfu, Squirtle/Blastoise, Eternatus, Calyrex & Glastrier/Spectrier (to finish the story you need to catch it, so it's a forced catch), the Regis, the Galarian Birds, the Box Legendary, and your starter.
I'm pretty sure that's all, but it's a lot of legendaries.