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What's the WORST Shiny Pokémon?

UnovanZorua Member Posts: 2,370 ✭✭✭✭✭
500 Agrees 1000 Comments 250 Likes 50 Answers

I made this a question instead of discussion so I can choose the one with the most positive reactions after some amount of time as the best answer and the worst Shiny. What is the most hated Shiny to ever exist?

Like or agree to the ones you hate the most and we'll find out what Shiny is truly the worst and most hated. Feel free to press disagree if someone mentions a Shiny you like.

Best Answer

  • FallenFurfrou
    FallenFurfrou Member Posts: 191 ✭✭✭
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    #2 Answer ✓

    The Charcadet line. Their eyes (and nothing else) are the only recolored parts. If I redesigned the shinies, I'd recolor a few of their other highlights to match their eyes so that they'd stand out better.



  • Alex_Vaporeon
    Alex_Vaporeon Member Posts: 135 ✭✭✭
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    I personally find myself complaining about Leafeon a lot, as it's one of my favorite Pokemon and I feel very let down by the shiny. It could be so much better! They could have at least put a little more effort into it! Anyway, other than that, I feel like any other shiny that barely changes should be mentioned, as well as the ones that just feel wrong. I'm looking forward to seeing everybody else's opinions! :)

  • pikayou
    pikayou Member Posts: 78 ✭✭✭
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    Definitely Flutter Mane imo, the combination of puke green and neon orange is not a good look on you girl. And since it's so popular it's a shiny I see a lot.

    I know it's based on Misdreavus' shiny, but you can kind of forgive that because it was made in the Game Boy's color limitations. and also nobody is using Misdreavus lol

  • Michael629303
    Michael629303 Member Posts: 1,013 ✭✭✭✭
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    I would have to say houndoom. That blue does not go with it at all.

  • UnovanZorua
    UnovanZorua Member Posts: 2,370 ✭✭✭✭✭
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    I have way too much hatred for Blissey's because it evolves from Chansey. Chansey has an amazing Shiny that sticks out, but I cannot tell the difference between Blissey and Shiny Blissey, because it looks like it can just be the normal colouration, not just a slight difference since all they did was make the healing Pokémon that's pink and white a little lighter.

    It does not help that I first got one in Violet where lots of Pokémon's (at least non shiny) colours got a little darker, meaning that the Shiny is closer to the old colours than the new ones.

  • OlderAngel11
    OlderAngel11 Member Posts: 1,814 ✭✭✭✭✭
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    Scyther and Pikachu! For scyther, only a small box on his chest changes color. For Pikachu, it just practically doesn't change at all.

  • UnovanZorua
    UnovanZorua Member Posts: 2,370 ✭✭✭✭✭
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    Since not many people are reacting, I'll point out you don't need to think the shiny is the worst to react positively. Just Like/Agree on shinies you think are bad. (not sure if this was obvious)

    Please, it makes this much more entertaining for everyone if there are more reactions, and it also means the opinion is more agreed on.

  • SmartAlakazam
    SmartAlakazam Member Posts: 338 ✭✭✭
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  • Acornyo
    Acornyo Member Posts: 751 ✭✭✭✭
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    Burmy. Not only is it hard to spot, its just terrible as well.

  • SmartAlakazam
    SmartAlakazam Member Posts: 338 ✭✭✭
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    Basically any green shiny when it’s not supposed to be green. (Like Espeon’s, for example)