Matchmaking bug on apple devices
It’s few and far between but I’m not sure if anyone has experienced the same issue but when play TCG live on apple iPhones, there’s a small percentage of matches that result in a forced loss because the opponent connected, surrendered immediately and right after queueing for the next match, it may pair you with 2 or 3 trainers at once, not connect to any of the matches then give you multiple losses at once.
If anyone else has experienced this issue, please follow up on this post, maybe it’s a small mobile glitch that we can fix.
Hello, Trainer ,
We want to make sure the proper team has visibility on this. To submit this to the support team, visit then click the Pokémon Trading Card Game Live link. From there click "Contact Us". Please provide additional details and attach screenshots, card expansion & number, or anything else helpful that could give the team more context. We appreciate you reporting this and sending us additional information.