Rigged matchmaking. Mpc's!!

Match making is so rigged. 100% im playing a bot.
I love how every opponent has the perfect card to stop everything i attempt to do. Never fails.
Im very new and not that good. But come on!
You are 100% correct.
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Lol if you want to see how bad the bots are try testing a deck from the editing screen. Sometimes it does feel like your opponent has all right cards, but this is just a competive game and there are a lot of combos you can pull off if you get lucky. Maybe try a new deck if you are getting frustrated.
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Definitely rigged. Was about to win and buddy pulled out a nest ball. another nest ball. An ultra ball. A magma basin. from one of the nest balls pulled a pokemon that transfers fire energy. transfered all his fire to arcanine EX. and sweeped. if that aint rigged then idk.