Is there a product design team working on this game?

Question is in the title. Are there Product Designers or UX Designers working on this game? How are they gathering feedback? What does their product roadmap look like? Is there any process for implementation for improvements?
not very likely. But Once I work for the pokemon company, I have a good deal of pokemon products I have in mind in addition to video games.
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I'm afraid that's no joke. besides, I heard the pokemon company has already given consideration of slowing down releases in their games. the company be given more time to work out all of the bugs. I would say the next game might release in 2028 at the very least in order to work out all of the imperfections.
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Understandable but I plan to work for the anime and video game side of the Pokemon company either way.
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I've been exposed to the language and studied introduction to japanese and plan to learn a bit more later on. I also happen to speak korean through studies in addition to Japanese.