Search Bug and Pokéstop

Playing on PC I often have a weird bug where every deck search can't select anything, I have the card selection screen but all the cards are blank, And I'm either force to wait and sometime a random card is taken, I time out or I cancel my search and nothing happens.
It is usually caused by card interactions but hard to understand why.
Today I kinda figured out one configuration that will always create the bug. And maybe a weird reason behind it.
The card in question is "PokéStop"! alone it works great, but when you pair it with some other stadium, like "Collapsed stadium" or "Path to the Peak" it cause the search bug.
And I also had a different bug:
Having "Collapsed stadium" in hand, I drew 2 cards with greninja effect, one of those two being "Pokéstop", and the game froze, the first card got added to my hand but "Pokéstop" stood in the air, without being able to be added to the hand.
Both bugs could be caused by something similar like a Sort Bug, each time we deck search or in our hands, our cards are sorted by type (trainer/items/Stadium/pokemon/energy/...)
What if Pokéstop couldn't be sorted with some other Stadium, the comparison done during the sorting algorithm would crash...
If we go even further it could come from the card ID, something with the set it's from or how it's register in game? Or it's name, notice that "PokéStop" has the "é" character that could lead to some issues...
Hoping that issue could be fix at some point as it's really irritating not being able to play every decks on PC because of that bug.
This issue exists since the beginning of the game.
To make it short: avoid playing cards from special expansion (such as Crown Zenith, Pokemon GO or 151), and if you have no choice but to play them, use MAC, phone or emulator since this is a Windows issue
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I am planning to get Pokémon Tcg live so now I am aware of these bugs. Thanks!