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*UPDATED 4.16* Pokémon TCG Live 1.0.1 Maintenance & Update - 03.24.22



  • t0nberry
    t0nberry Member Posts: 1

    Not very exciting news xD Also did NOT get any crystals at all - but at this point 1,000 crystals really isn't enough to help with fixing the economy yet... What would be 'exciting' include: Economy fixes like more credits in battle pass, new formats, more ways of earning credits/crystals.

    But in terms of updates, at least the game seems to feel a bit more responsive - animations seem quicker and games seem to be going faster. Hope they keep those fixes coming, but hopefully not under the guise of 'exciting news'.

  • noelllleon
    noelllleon Member Posts: 0

    Hey same I didn't get the crystals, despite the notice on the loading page. Do I go somewhere to claim it?

  • kopakanui
    kopakanui Member Posts: 0

    I was wondering the same thing, I keep getting the notification when logging in and my inbox has an notification and yet when I check it there is no messages. I am wondering if it is a bug?

    It would be nice to get the crystals, and hopefully it will be dealt with or at least the very least a comment from the devs.

  • SwimmerHans
    SwimmerHans Member Posts: 6
    5 Agrees 5 Likes

    @sdrawkcab190 I said exactly what I was hoping for in the post you quoted (but maybe didn’t read entirely?). I just want it on iOS so I can play on my phone and tablet. I’m pretty happy with the app for the time being otherwise. Obviously there’s lots to improve but it may surprise you learn that I do understand it’s a beta and they can’t fix everything at once. I could also understand why some might have thought they’d be expanding the beta to a wider market to make matchmaking easier but I wasn’t necessarily after that myself being from Canada. I don’t know what I said that gave you the idea I was expecting changes to the avatars or desktop interface (maybe you have me confused with someone else?).

  • Rarestory4
    Rarestory4 Member Posts: 0

    playing on Android , I do keep getting a blue dot on my inbox ( assuming that means I have mail ) but when I go in there is nothing there

    same here .??????????????????????????

  • san_mon
    san_mon Member Posts: 0

    game freeze ,then I can't do any thing

  • Rateiosu
    Rateiosu Member Posts: 13
    Name Dropper 10 Comments Photogenic First Answer

    I got the notification for getting the 1000 crystals on Android. However, the inbox seems empty.

    I opened the inbox again in PC, but nothing shows (empty again).

    Aside that, I have not found any major issues and the app seems way more responsive, especially in low-to-mid budget PCs and more Android devices.

  • Baggetto
    Baggetto Member Posts: 97 ✭✭✭
    Second Anniversary Name Dropper 5 LOLs First Answer

    When will we get the patch notes? And what about the big news? The week is over, at least communicate with your costumers

  • CrypticMindz
    CrypticMindz Member Posts: 0

    When is Live coming to PC in US? Any word on that yet?

  • NowzGaming
    NowzGaming Member Posts: 0

    I appreciate the work you guys do on the Game.

    But how many people are working on it? 2 or 3?

    Also any confirmation if this were the big news you were pointing at would be great :)

    Or are the big news just postponed to this week?