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Pokemon Horizons needs a lot of work

Acornyo Member Posts: 751 ✭✭✭✭
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Anybody remember the days when Pokemon journeys in the shows were just a couple of kids running around through forests on foot and having fun? Pokemon Horizons is the complete opposite of that, and it also seems like a bootleg Beyblade series. Go on a giant airship a couple of days after starting your journey? Travel to past areas from older shows that the other characters have previously been to? That is QUITE LITERALLY A BEYBLADE PLOT!!!

Also, why on earth didn't they stay at the school for a while and in Paldea and THEN gone off on an adventure? It would have made more sense.

I guess the era of good Pokemon Shows is long gone.

(I get this isn't a video game but this is where I'll probably find the most definitive answer lol)


  • UnovanZorua
    UnovanZorua Member Posts: 2,370 ✭✭✭✭✭
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    I think it's good. I don't know how many people are caught up to the latest episodes, so spoiler alert!

    it's less about the airship and more about an old story Roy heard about an ancient adventurer (Lucius), along with mysterious ancient Pokéballs and Liko's pendant (that is a Pokémon). And they want to find the place Lucius found on his journey, Rakua (described as a paradise). In order to find it, they need to find all six heroes Lucius traveled with. And that's pretty much what's been said about the plot so far, I think it's interesting and unique for Pokémon.

  • Acornyo
    Acornyo Member Posts: 751 ✭✭✭✭
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    @UnovanZorua It's a good plot, but it seems a little too surreal for the FIRST season. Maybe in Season Two. Right now I wanna know more about the school and people there, not some black Rayquaza lol.

  • Avabruno101
    Avabruno101 Member Posts: 1
    First Comment

    It says it’s coming to BBC iplayer but what about America? We can’t get BBC i player