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Charizard ex glitched?

Hello All,

I was just in a match that was down to 1 card each player. The opponent had brought up a Charizard ex with no energy attached. A Path to the Peak was in play and stayed in play. The opponent played two energy searches back to back and was able to use Burning Darkness with only 1 attached energy. Trying to see if I can replicate and screen record it. If you have experienced this, I would love to hear your thoughts...or if I am missing something in the mechanics (pretty positive I am not though) please let me know.




  • Poke_Cowboy
    Poke_Cowboy Member Posts: 4
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    Ugh, forgot to mention they attached an energy from hand prior to playing the two energy searches.

  • Poke_Cowboy
    Poke_Cowboy Member Posts: 4
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    Also, yes I have seen the "disappearing" energy at times, and this not one of those occasions.

  • TechHog
    TechHog Member Posts: 2,901 ✭✭✭✭✭
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    Probably not a bug. You just need to make sure you read your opponent's cards. They likely had Charizard from Pokémon GO in play, which has an Ability which makes each attached Fire Energy count as 2 for all of that player's Pokémon in play.

  • Poke_Cowboy
    Poke_Cowboy Member Posts: 4
    First Comment

    It was without doubt the Charizard ex from Obsidian Flames.

  • TechHog
    TechHog Member Posts: 2,901 ✭✭✭✭✭
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    I mean that there was a Charizard PGO on the bench in addition to Charizard ex. Trust me, someone makes a post like this every other day. There's no energy big.