Generation 5 Pokemon

For this gen I thought it was a very interesting, I don't have a straight opinion but wasn't bad. My favorites are Sawsbuck, Cinccino, Chandilure, emboar, Zebstrika, Galvantula, Musharna, gigalith, cofagrigus, reuniclus, klinklang, eelektross, beheeyem, hydreigon, golurk, beartic, and cryogonal. Whats everyone else's thoghts on the gen.
Chandelure, the Snivy line, Volcarona, Lilligant, and more. It had a lot of both amazing and powerful Pokémon.
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@Acornyo Yep, I 100% agree
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I guess my post has been rejected again. I will keep this one short.
All I wanted to say was that I like gen 5's Pokédex and I think it was very bold of them to have a game with an entirely original Pokédex. It is a shame the game was criticised for it at the time.
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That's two posts held for approval! How short do posts have to be on this forum?!
Erm... Gen 5 good. Me likey gen 5.
Is that okay? Can I say that?
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@TheJeffers Lol
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@Alex_Vaporeon Believe it or not, all three posts were held for approval, and the first never made it through at all.
Liking gen 5 is rhetoric requiring careful review, apparently.
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I like most on the unovan pokémon! My favourites are the Deino Line and Chandelure!
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